‘Ihaw Fest’ gives Mang Inasal customers discount on next takeout or delivery

Mang Inasal, the country’s Grill Expert, ends its month-long Ihaw Fest with a special Week 4 Ihaw-Sarap, Unli-Saya Deal running from October 29 to November 4. 

Customers can enjoy P40 discount when they order Mang Inasal’s Chicken Inasal Paa Large Family Size via takeout or delivery.

Mang Inasal ihaw fest

Pay only P349 if you takeout and P391 when you avail the offer via delivery through the Mang Inasal Delivery App, https://manginasaldelivery.com.phGrabFood or foodpanda.  

Mang Inasal ihaw fest

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