Design inspirations from Instagram
The advent of social media has changed our lives for better or worse. But for the creative minds out there, social media is a meeting place of sorts to remain up to date with the latest trends.
This holds true for those who are seeking tips on how to improve or redesign their homes. If you’re looking for a dash of inspiration, do check out the Instagram accounts of these cool minds that are eager to squeeze out your creative juices.
1. Interior Design Manila
Interior Design Manila
This account is full of bright and colorful ideas for every room in the house. May it be a vertical or horizontal property, you are sure to find inspiration with the color palettes, proper lighting, furniture mix and space allocation for whatever room you have in mind.
It also includes small details like wall clocks made of Air Jordans for the sneaker junkies out there. They also have design suggestions for the tiniest member of the family—the newborns. They give kids’ bedroom a touch of elegance and sophistication.
Modern kitchens are also featured. The sleek design of these kitchens will motivate you to start learning how to cook just to be able to stay longer in that part of your house. Interior Design Manila truly weaves design dreams into reality.
2. Interior Design Ideas
With over 1 million followers, this Instagram account is much applauded although it only has 303 posts. Each post speaks of a thousand stories already featuring its attentiveness to details. It captures the perfect balance of light and shadows, brightness and subdued colors, dramatic tones and the complete feel of a well-thought of room.
The rooms are all refreshing to the eye. Even if you’re not thinking of renovating your house, you may want to look at this account just to unwind. The pristine rooms will reduce the stress of your busy workday. Who knows you might be inspired to roll up your sleeves and do some remodeling?
3. Design_interior_homes
This Madrid-based account is sparkling with ideas. It mostly focuses on the room with a view of the sea, sand and sky. The perfect blend of hues of nature flows down to the interiors of the room. It will surely make you want to save up for a beachfront home. It also offers discount and free shipping for modern and beautiful paintings.
The out-of-the-box ideas of transforming space into functional yet livable space are the main theme of this account. It combines funk with practicality. In the end, it will make you think that architects and designers really do have the best jobs in the world.