Interesting facts about the New Year
The first day of the year is traditionally a time for celebration, time to enjoy the festivities of colorful fireworks, lively music and lots of foods. We rejoice at the start of a new year because it brings new possibilities and new beginnings.
This is also the time of year when most of us commit to start a healthy lifestyle and shift gears towards wellness by improving our ways for the better or at least shed some pounds or get back in shape. Such resolutions are made every year but for every working people, it’s easier said than done to regularly exercise, eat right, and get personal finances in order while juggling work loads.
Did you know that New Year’s resolution is said to have originated as early as the Medieval era where knights took the “peacock vow” at the end of the Christmas season each year to re-affirm their commitment to chivalry.
In 2007, Richard Wiseman from the University of Bristol conducted a study involving 3,000 people and found out that only 12% of those who set New Year resolutions succeed. The most common reasons of participants who failed with their promises were (1) setting themselves unrealistic goals; (2) didn’t keep track of their progress; (3) forgot about it; and (4) claimed they made too many resolutions.
The top 10 resolutions are usually to lose weight, eat more healthily, exercise more, stop smoking, stick to a budget, save money, get more organized, be more patient, find a better job and to just be a better person over all.
Here are more fascinating facts about New Year that you might find interesting and worth sharing.
The first New Year was celebrated 4,000 years ago by the ancient Babylonians.
Back in Ancient Rome, New Year starts on March 1.
The timeless New Year’s song, “Auld Lang Syne,” means, “times gone by.”
More than 80,000 fireworks are set off from Sydney Harbour Bridge in Australia on New Year’s Eve.
The famous Time Square New Year’s Eve Ball was first dropped in 1907 after the US government imposed a ban on fireworks.
Italians wear red underwear on New Year’s Day to bring good luck all year long.
In Latin America, families would stuff a large doll, which is popularly called as Mr. Old Year, with memories from the past year.
Using a baby to signify the New Year began in ancient Greece around 600 B.C.
In the Philippines, 12 different round fruits on the dining table during the New Year’s Eve celebration will bring good luck. You can also make it 13 fruits for more blessings.
Wishing all hard-working Filipinos and their families and loved ones around the world a remarkable and more productive 2016! Let’s continue to work hand in hand for a better Philippines.
Richard Mamuyac is the Communications Specialist of the People Management Association of the Philippines (PMAP), the premier organization of HR practitioners and people managers in the country. For news and updates from PMAP, you may call 7261532, email, visit or like