Leading in the new, convergent world
Complex, unpredictable, constantly shifting—this is the environment today for businesses.
The landscape is almost unrecognizable—industry models are shaken, revenue streams more volatile and competition becoming hybrid.
It is not going to slow down but will become more challenging as organizations fast-forward to the future. Companies that fail to live up to the new challenges put themselves at risk of obsolescence, from market leadership to market demise.
Globally, it’s competing in a two-speed world: the fast-accelerating economies of countries like China, India and Brazil; and the slowdown of the “old” economic rulers of Europe, North America and Japan.
It means being able to service both the high and the low-growth markets, constantly making decisions and acting quickly on the options—profit or growth, price or value, global or local.
In this new world, hierarchy may be the first to go as leadership will shift from initiative to initiative.
Customers rule the new world. They want it better, faster and … free, preferably.
Cloud computing, open source, loads of information at their fingertips—companies should deliver yesterday what they will want today.
Trends that we are seeing, supposedly far off, are becoming business realities. In this new and complex world, companies are either fast or dead.
What it takes to win a changing game
Be with experts who can share wealth of insights and diverse experiences and bring these innovative solutions to your companies. The 9th MAP International CEO Conference (Sept. 13 at the Makati Shangri-La) is the venue where those who excel can tell their stories. Visit www.mapceoconference.ph for more details of the conference.
The event is about enduring companies continuing time-tested practices made stronger by the challenges they faced. It is also about the creativity and imagination that made new companies sail unexplored seas, triumphed and found new management treasures along the way.
Today they thrive, and MAP provides an opportunity for business leaders (and aspiring ones) to relive and share the journey.
Session 1: “The Multiplier Effect: Why Businesses Are On-Board the Social Network Bandwagon”
The world is now one big network that is increasingly connected. Vast amount of information sits in the networking sites—data that, when mined, will provide a wealth of marketing insights to companies.
Such insights when used properly can spell the difference between market leadership or demise.
Multiply’s evolution is the perfect example of how an insight can drive a totally new business model. From a social networking site, it has now evolved into a virtual marketplace. This is now highly popular among small entrepreneurs who are hooked up with customers online via Multiply.
Session 2: “Transformational Leadership through Analytics”
What differentiates the new breed of super-corporations that demonstrate exponential growth and profitability? Put very simply, futuristic and visionary leadership and analytics.
The world is moving exponentially into an age of unbelievable technological excellence. This growing global technology phenomenon is not only offering the opportunities of innovative digital distribution and marketing channels, cloud computing and the possibility of home and office convergence, but also making available huge amounts of data and information absolutely free.
Every organization needs visionary and transformational leadership that can recognize the power of technology and data analytics to gain competitive advantage that could mean survival or oblivion.
Tomorrow’s organizations will compete on analytics.
Session 3: “The Dawn of the Social Business: Working Smarter in a Socially Intelligent World”
About 23 million Filipinos are on Facebook, making the Philippines the seventh largest country on the social network site.
It comes as no surprise then that there is a lot of talk about the rise of Social Business—one that is defined by greater transparency, openness, inclusiveness, crowdsourcing and engagement as key tenets of success.
These new social principles fly in the face of the way traditional businesses are run, which are organized according to rigid hierarchies and closed borders on information sharing.
This session will discuss the key principles that drive success in the social transformation, explain the key components of the underlying technology, and share the potential that can be realized.
Session 4: “Organizational Culture of the Future: No Red Tape, Only Red Carpet Treatment”
A business imperative is the presence of an enabling environment so that a firm can thrive and be competitive in both local and global markets.
Government agencies tasked to ensure a vibrant investment climate must equal the efficiency and effectiveness of the business sector they are mandated to serve.
With the public sector’s predisposition to create bureaucracies that end up being cumbersome to investors, the challenge is to ensure that these government agencies transform themselves into a more customer-oriented, service-driven, business-friendly and corruption-free organizations.
PEZA is one of the few agencies that continuously strive to be better for its “clientele”—the investors. Its “no-red tape-only red carpet treatment” earned the respect of the business sector and the country as a whole.
Session 5: “The Next Business Model for Real Estate Development”
Real estate development continues to boom and, with the implementation of the Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT), the outlook is upbeat.
The industry also continues to be transformed and the challenges of responsible and sustainable development require a business model that will be adaptive to these evolving conditions.
What should be the directions in real estate development in this new, convergent world? What are the drivers of these directions? How should the Philippines get ready for these new demands?
Session 6: “The Media Evolution: Connecting to a Global Community”
The media, as we know it, has evolved and those tasked to manage this evolution will find themselves facing a game where there is only one rule: There is no rule.
The trend is convergence, the vehicle is innovative technologies and the hook is social media. The race is no longer about reaching a large audience, it is connecting with them.
Two major players in the world of media will provide key insights on media trends, adaptation and engaging the audience.
How are they managing in this fast, flat and free world? Are there sure-fire formulas for success? Is the media ready for a future that is already here? Do they see an acceleration of digital migration?
These hot issues will be tackled by leaders of two media giants in the country.
Session 7: “New Foundation for Unleashing Business Transformation”
The world’s most effective CIOs (chief information officers) apply new technology to drive transformational changes within their businesses or industries. As cloud computing services gain ground in large enterprise environments and as new social computing interaction paradigms are broadly adopted worldwide, a new wave of transformational change has become possible.
This session will share perspectives on the steps CIOs are taking to establish a new foundation that unleashes transformational changes within their organizations. Key questions addressed during the session include:
• How and where should CIOs consider exploiting new cloud-based services within their organization’s enterprise IT architecture?
• What are other organizations doing with cloud-based solutions and how can CIOs use these examples to maximize speed to value while managing risk?
• How do consumer trends in information technology—such as social networking and mobile technology—impact interactions with customers and employees?
Their stories may be inspiring enough so that tomorrow, it’s yours to tell. Join the captains of industry and business leaders in this annual convergence of thought leaders.
• Get insights and discover a mine of information from experts.
• Work smarter—the learning curve need not be that steep.
• Act quickly—that one idea you hear may be the breakthrough you are looking for.
• Be there—it all starts with you showing up.
(Feedback at map@globelines.com.ph. For previous articles, please visit <map.org.ph>.)