SHDA Housing Fair defies competition among developers
Forget about competition, rivalry.
Over the last few days, the country’s top property developers and home providers have again banded together to rally for a noble cause—providing a roof over the head of every hardworking Filipino.
Through the SHDA Housing Fair that runs from August 10 to today, the Subdivision and Housing Developers Association (SHDA) has gathered around 20 of its member-companies to showcase their developments—from condominiums to house and lots, or lots only—from which potential homebuyers can choose.
“Businesses have an obligation to shape a better society and provide a home for every deserving Filipino, and SHDA does just that by promoting responsible, sustainable and affordable housing developments,” said SHDA president Manuel Crisostomo.
“We believe decent housing is a potent tool for nation-building. This is why we came up with an event participated by the biggest names in the Philippine real estate industry,” Crisostomo explained.
Citing data based on the studies conducted by the Housing and Urban Development Coordination Council in 2010, SHDA pointed out that there were about 3.7-million families requiring decent shelter. As such, the organization, which has more than 235 members in various chapters across the country, felt that it was its duty to respond to this problem by providing Filipinos with sustainable and affordable housing developments.
“The housing fair is one of the many efforts we do in support to the housing program of the HUDCC. We work a lot with the government especially with the Office of the Vice President, who heads the HUDCC,” noted Ricky Celis, chief executive officer of Ayala Land Inc.
“As we mentioned, beyond our business objectives, we have also the responsibility of creating a better society for all of us…we want to make sure that we improve and enrich the quality of lives of our residents,” added Celis, who is also the second VP of SHDA.
During the fair, potential homebuyers could avail of the various promos, incentives and special pricing schemes that participating developers are now offering.
Christopher Narciso, vice president of Robinsons Communities, which is also this year’s main organizer, stressed that what’s great about the fair is that homebuyers will have the opportunity to get “the best offer in a particular area or the best price range scheme for a specific property.” Several participating banks such as Banco de Oro, BPI Family Savings Bank, Philippine Savings Bank, Veterans Bank and Rizal Commercial Banking Corp. are expected to extend financing help to all those who wanted to buy, Narciso added.
MORE than just helping improve the local economy through sustainable housing developments from Phinma Properties, Vista Land and other members, SHDA centers its initiatives to help uplift the quality of life among deserving Filipinos.
One-stop venue
SHDA officials pointed out that with housing a primary concern for Filipinos, they feel that it would only be proper to have a one-stop shop venue for buyers. This SHDA Housing Fair, they said, was really a show of force from all the developers.
“Usually, you would see this people competing in billboards and maybe even ad space but now they’re all here in the same venue offering the best that they can,” SHDA officials added. “We feel that by having a unified voice, we do not only provide the best for our Filipino homebuyers but it also helps us to constructively engage in discussions.”
SHDA also clarified that its members do not only comprise of the large-scale developers but that they also have smaller developers (regional developers, personal businesses) on board, with each one having an equal voice as board of governors. The more known members of the SHDA, which is the largest and leading organization of housing developers in the Philippines, include Ayala Land, Vista Land, DMCI Homes, Phinma Properties, Robinsons Land Corp., and SM Development Corp. (SMDC).
MORE than just helping improve the local economy through sustainable housing developments from Phinma Properties, Vista Land and other members, SHDA centers its initiatives to help uplift the quality of life among deserving Filipinos.
“By promoting housing developments from the country’s most reputable subdivision and housing developers that adhere to only the highest standards, SHDA helps enrich the lives of Filipinos and ensure the viability of their future as productive citizens,” Crisostomo further noted.
“SHDA will always be committed to become better builders of homes for Filipinos, as we strive to help build a strong nation. More than just helping improve the local economy through sustainable housing developments, SHDA centers its initiatives to help uplift the quality of life among hard-working Filipinos,” Crisostomo added.