The company’s brand page says it all. According to a Nescafé executive, having a huge audience is a “humbling” experience.
MANILA, Philippines—Following its shift from traditional media advertising, Nestle Philippines already made quite a dent online via Facebook as it generated two million “likes.”
The company last weekend marked Nescafé Fan’s Day to bring the brand closer to its consumers.
On July 8, 2009, the brand page was launched on Facebook. In December 2011, it reached the one million mark. On Oct. 23, it became the No. 1 brand page in the Philippines with two million “likes,” Nestle Philippines said in a statement.
The report cites statistics from Socialbakers, a global social media and digital analytics company.
From the time Nescafé hit the one million mark, it has been adding over a thousand fans every day, the company said.
By two million, fans grew by over 3,000 a day, the company says.
Nestlé Philippines chairman and CEO John Martin Miller says in a pre-event briefing that the people behind Nescafé are “humbled” by the response of consumers.
“We are into mass marketing, and it is humbling to have a huge audience,” he says.
The challenge, Miller says, is to not only maintain the present following but to expand its online following to three million or more.
“An exciting aspect of new media is the one million can become two, or six. It just explodes,” Miller points out.
Social media increases awareness and helps spur consumption through buyer education, says Christophe Stern, business executive manager of Nescafé in the Philippines.
With two million followers on Facebook, Stern says, he wants to know as much about fans as possible, including their preferences.
“I want to tell them as well that the best way to start one’s day is with coffee, the Nescafé Classic. You can take breaks with 3-in-1 and, to cap the night off, you can have decaf,” Stern says.
Miller notes, however, that the brand will maintain its presence in both traditional and new media.
“I know that half my advertising budget works. I just don’t know which half,” he quips.
Taking on a serious note, he says that while it is hard to tell which fans who “like” the brand actually “own” the brand, new media is as valid an advertising tool as the traditional ones.
“We receive overwhelming support every day on Facebook. One post may get as many as a thousand likes and shares, and comments may reach up to the same level—we’re blown away. It is heartwarming to see people love and understand your product at almost the same level that you do, and through this event we say, ‘thank you,’” says Mark Castillo, consumer marketing manager of Nescafé in the Philippines.
During the Nescafé Fan’s Day celebration, Nestlé Philippines capped the event with a presentation featuring popular celebrities and bands.
“This event is a testament that fans and brands go hand and hand in ensuring social media success. We listen, we care, we respond. Your fans will know if you are worthy of their attention,” Stern said.