Ford Global City, Ford Manila bring back PMS Express Challenge

The technical teams of Ford Global City and Ford Manila are once again putting themselves up for the big challenge.

And this time, it’s no longer just a half-the-price slash. Ford Global City and Ford Manila are holding the “100%OFF” PMS Express Challenge.

Last year, the WQT (Willy Q. Tee Ten) Group, launched the PMS Express

Challenge for the said two dealerships.

The dealerships are offering a guaranteed 50-percent off if they fail to meet the SLT (Standard Labor Time). But this year, it will be 100-percent off—first 1,000 km check-up which will last for only 30 minutes and exactly 50 minutes for its 5,000-kilometer service.

The DCRC [Dealer Customer Relationship Center] Department of the Ford Global Group has informed all its valued clients and prospective clients about this challenge and requested that they book ahead of schedule and arrive on time.

The appointment made by the DCRC will then be passed to the Service Reception Head, at least a day before the scheduled service appointment.

Late arrivals will disqualify the customer from the challenge but best service will still be given.

All walk-ins are strictly not eligible. All Ford vehicles in all models/variants are qualified, but only until 200 km PMS and limited to PMServices of up to three hours only.

The client has to really wait for the unit. If one decides to leave and pick up the unit by the end of the day, the PMS Express Challenge will therefore not be applicable.

“Our goal is to keep completely satisfied customers. Our service team is always up on their toes to give the best service experience to all our clients. And by delivering on our promised time and knowing that customers were completely satisfied is such a rewarding endeavor to all of us,” said Pinay Escobedo, DCRC manager.

Also, from July 14 to 31, 2012, Ford Global Group will offer a free 30-point check-up and discount on parts and labor.

For service appointments and other inquiries, you may contact 0918-944- FORD (3673), 0917-5984121, 0922-8989640, (02)860-8844 or (02)860-8846.