LPG prices increase in February



MANILA, Philippines – February greeted consumers with higher prices of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG).

In separate advisories, Petron and Solane-branded LPG products increased prices by 70 centavos and 73 centavos per kilogram, respectively, starting Saturday.

“This reflects the international contract price of LPG for the month of February,” Petron said.

The adjustment translates to a P7.70 to P8.03 increase for a regular 11-kilogram household LPG cylinder.

Cleanfuel also announced that its automobile LPG price went up by P0.35 per liter.

Data from the Department of Energy showed that an 11-kilogram LPG tank in Metro Manila before the new price hike ranged from P860 to P1,140, while the common price of auto LPG stood at P42.55 per liter.