SRT’s Bulalo lands on the top 3 in Food and Wine Festival held in Tagaytay

The well-loved Bulalo dish from Tagatay took center stage in the recently concluded Food and Wine Festival organized by the Department of Tourism-City of Tagaytay and the Tagaytay Tourism Council where Summit Ridge Tagaytay emerged as 3rd Placer in the Creative Bulalo Challenge and the People’s Choice Awards.  

SRT’s Bulalo is the 3rd  Placer in the Creative Bulalo  Challenge and the People’s Choice Awards

At the helm of this culinary team is SRT’s Executive Chef Ernie Baculio who led the team during a 15 minute live cooking demo.  The team bested 15 other entries.  

(L-r) The winning team Chef Angelo Joseph Garcia, Chef Arcy Banez and Executive Chef Ernie Baculio.

Chef Ernie, together with his team mates Chef Angelo Joseph Garica and Chef Arcy Banez was able to concoct a secret recipe that rendered the winning entry as most appetizing endearing to the panel of judges.  “The taste is in the marinate of garlic, aioli and onion of the bone marrow-a base ingredient for Bulalo,” says Chef Ernie.   The result -is an explosion of all the flavors that one will expect from Tagaytay’s most popular and signature dish.   

The winning dish will be available in the Café Summit Tagaytay Menu.  


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