Remembering the do’s and don’ts for Ghost Month
The lunar seventh month is coming, and this year it falls on Aug. 4 to Sept. 2. Here are some do’s and don’ts to remember when buying a house, moving places, or doing renovations during Ghost Month.
Choose an auspicious date. Normally in Chinese culture, one would avoid viewing, buying, or selling the house during this period unless absolutely necessary. For urgent cases, prayers will be conducted prior to moving into the premises.
Adopt feng shui principles for a better date and offer prayers to ward off negative energies and attract positive ones. (
Consult a feng shui expert. If you need to move during this period, adopt feng shui principles for a better date and offer prayers to ward off negative energies and attract positive ones.
Perform rituals. Conduct rituals like burning incense, chanting, rolling a pineapple, or performing a blessing ceremony to cleanse the property of negative energies and bring good fortune.
Conduct rituals like rolling a pineapple to cleanse the property of negative energies and bring good fortune. (
Research the property’s history. Investigate the property’s past to ensure it doesn’t have a history of misfortune or tragic events. If there is, we would need to do proper prayers to seek harmony for future stays as a form of respect to the late residents.
Inspect the property thoroughly. Carefully examine the property for any signs of negative energy, such as strange noises, unusual smells, or unexplained movements, dark corners, and moldy areas. These are usually signs that we would need to perform a cleansing of the house.
Do viewings early. If you need to absolutely get a place, do the viewings before 7 p.m., preferably before the day turns dark.
Sign contracts. Refrain from signing contracts or finalizing deals during the Ghost Month, as this is believed to attract negative energies. Do it before Aug. 4 or wait until after Sept. 2.
Move in. Avoid moving into the new house during this period, as doing so is thought to invite spirits into your life and bring misfortune. However, this can be countered with proper prayer procedures. Or we can choose a date prior to Aug. 4. Make that the official move-in date, and subsequently moving in your furniture and other stuff will be acceptable.
Normally in Chinese culture, one would avoid viewing, buying, or selling the house during this period unless absolutely necessary. (
Renovate. Postpone renovation or construction work if possible, as it’s believed to disturb the spirits.
Hold housewarming parties. Avoid hosting housewarming parties or gatherings, as they may attract unwanted spirits and bring negative energy. Do it preferably after Sept. 2.
Use auspicious colors. Avoid using colors like red, which is considered auspicious in Chinese culture, as it may attract spirits during the Ghost Month or be seen as offensive to the spirits.
Hang wind chimes. Refrain from hanging wind chimes, as their sound may attract spirits.
Dig or excavate. Avoid digging or excavating the property, as this may disturb the spirits and bring negative energy.
Stay overnight. Avoid staying overnight in the new house during the Ghost Month, as it may increase the risk of encountering spirits. However, if you have moved in before Aug. 4, this is acceptable.
Swim in your house pool after night falls. Mischievous spirits and vengeful ghosts are said to linger in water, waiting to claim a victim to take their place in order to get a chance at reincarnation. So if you happen to be swimming, they might try to pull you underwater.
Disturb the offerings along the road or outside any houses, and avoid hanging laundry overnight. The shapes of clothing resemble the human body and this may attract restless spirits. These “visitors” may “borrow” your clothes and be accidentally brought into the house along with the laundry, or they may leave behind a misfortune-inducing aura.
Other tips
Additionally, consider the following: For the Chinese, Taoists, or Buddhists, a prayer for the family and the house is usually conducted on the first and 15th of the lunar month. We need to be respectful of the spirits and the property’s energy.
Keep the property clean and tidy to avoid attracting negative energy. Clear the house of any accumulations of unwanted items. Avoid arguing or conflict within the property, as it may attract negative energy.
Remember, these guidelines are based on superstitions and may vary across cultures and individuals. Ultimately, prioritize your own beliefs and make informed decisions when buying a house during the Ghost Month.
Good luck in choosing your new home!
The author is a real estate specialist and Chinese metaphysics master from Singapore