Healthy Workplace Relationships: A Primer

Healthy Workplace Relationships: A Primer

In today’s fast-paced work environment, building good relationships among colleagues is crucial for success. If team members connect and relate well with each other, then the job is done effectively, and faster.

We asked Eloisa Joy Eguia, Inquirer Academy’s resource person on Wellbeing in the workplace, to share her insights on the urgency and importance of building and encouraging healthy workplace relationships, as a leader. Here are her insights and tips:

Work can often be challenging. Demands pile up. Emotions overwhelm us. People around us are not always easy to deal with. Experiences of stagnation and exhaustion give us reasons to quit and give up. However, if we can work in a life-affirming and nourishing environment – in a workplace that supports our personal growth, cultivates our well-being, encourages us to learn, helps us discover ourselves more, and aligns with our purpose and values, plus builds up our strengths and competencies, and helps us become better every single day – then all our hard work and sacrifices at work becomes worth it. And workplace relationships play a huge role in ensuring this kind of environment.

The strength of interpersonal workplace relations plays a pivotal role in determining our personal and organizational success. Thus, building healthy and positive workplace relationships is essential. Here are three reasons why:

Increases Productivity

We are most likely to collaborate effectively when we have positive relationships at work. Team members who know and trust each other can better communicate, share ideas, challenge each other, look after each other’s progress in the process, and work together towards a common goal. Because we trust each other, we highly value our work roles and so we strive well to deliver our tasks excellently. This collaborative atmosphere can significantly boost our overall work productivity as tasks are completed more efficiently.

Strengthens Conflict Resolution

Conflict is inevitable in any workplace, but strong relationships can provide a foundation for effective conflict resolution. When there are effective conflict resolution mechanisms in place, we feel supported in dealing with workplace issues, preventing stress from escalating due to unresolved conflicts. When we have established trust and open communication among each other in the workplace, conflicts are more likely to be addressed constructively. We can then work together to find solutions, minimizing the negative impact of conflicts on the work environment.

Increases Motivation and Resilience

When we feel a sense of camaraderie and accountability at work, we are more likely to share concerns and seek support from each other. We look after each other as we progress and go through the process. With such, we feel valued and appreciated. A healthy workplace is one in which employees’ efforts and achievements are constantly acknowledged and affirmed. This uplifting emotional support system increases our sense of motivation. On days when we don’t feel like showing up, encouragement from those around us at work motivates us, bringing us back on track. Additionally, when faced with adversity, the strong support network around us allows us to bounce back and demonstrate resilience.

Building and fostering healthy workplace relationships is an essential key to both our personal and organizational success. It is not just an option to consider but an important element that must be given priority in the workplace. Positive workplace relationships are what give life to the workplace. As we grow and find meaningful purpose, because we are surrounded by nurturing and life-affirming relationships, we can willingly give more of ourselves to the mission of the organization.

Eguia will facilitate an eight-hour online workshop titled “Building Healthy Workplace Relationships: Strategies for Conflict Resolution and a Culture of Support” on March 7 – 8, 2024.

For more information, you may write to, or send an SMS to these numbers 0919.3428667 and 0998.9641731.

For your other learning needs, Inquirer Academy could assist you in designing and facilitating workshops, a webinar, or a self-paced online course for your organization.

The author is the executive director of the Inquirer Academy.