Meralco says its rates are ‘fair, reasonable’

MANILA, Philippines  -Power distributor Manila Electric Co. (Meralco) said its electricity rates were “fair and reasonable” as these had to undergo “a strict review process” before being charged to consumers, the company said in a statement.

The statement was issued in reaction to claims that Meralco overcharged consumers for its service and that its rates were high.

“Allegations on high rates are misleading, and Meralco has always been transparent on its monthly rate adjustments and consistently contextualizes the reason behind these movements,” the company said.

This comes after Rep. Presley de Jesus of the Philippine Rural Electric Cooperatives Association questioned why Meralco could not offer lower rates, as electric cooperatives were able to do.

READ: Solon questions high Meralco rates: ‘If cooperatives can, why can’t you?’

Meralco pointed out that it had been “proactively securing the least-cost supply” for its consumers.

“These allegations failed to acknowledge that rates of private distributors and electric cooperatives vary and Meralco’s rates … are not the highest if the entire industry is considered,” it said, adding that it had “consistently met” regulator-set guaranteed service levels that ensured service reliability for its 7.8 million customers.