Healthy alternative that doctors recommend
The continuous discovery of various deadly diseases has led most people to look for healthier alternatives that could either help them avoid it or prevent a certain condition from worsening.
It is not surprising then to find more people nowadays becoming more conscious of their choices, ensuring that the products they buy and consume can provide health benefits. Take for instance the case of a simple substance such as sugar.
With a number of individuals diagnosed to have diabetes, the need for a healthy sugar alternative has already become more imminent.
Timely solution
“Suchero is a really timely solution. Diabetes has become a No. 1 problem worldwide and it has worsened,” says Suchero president Joey Villa in an interview with Inquirer Science/Health.
This is why, Villa explains, people are searching for products that are “low glycemic but have high-nutrient density.”
“Suchero is exactly that. It is an all-natural sweetener. It is unbleached and unfiltered. We don’t do anything. There are no additives in our product,” Villa claims.
Suchero is a sweetener that is produced from carefully extracted organic coconut sap or tuba, which is then converted to coconut sugar through the traditional process of evaporation. The sap is cooked on slow fire to let the liquids evaporate until granules are formed.
Based on the comparative study made by the University of the Philippines’ Institute of Chemistry, Suchero was found to have “about 50-percent lower effect on blood glucose level (BGL) response as compared to white sugar.”
When incorporated in low GI (glycemic index) diets, Suchero can help in the proper control and management of diabetes, weight management and prevention of heart disease and obesity.
Suchero can thus be used as an alternative sweetener for favorite drinks like coffee and juice as well as a sugar substitute for recipes.
“Suchero is the real replacement for white sugar. You can’t think of any sugar that will replace white sugar except Suchero,” Villa boasts.
As such, Villa adds, Suchero can be safely used by diabetic patients.
And unlike other coconut sugar from other countries, wherein they actually add a few things to make it taste different, Villa stresses that Suchero does not contain any artificial flavor or chemical.
“People are really finding that when they try our product, it really has that significant difference in taste. We don’t even add anti-fermenting agents. It’s only the sap that we convert to sugar,” Villa says.
“Suchero has a unique caramel taste that not only sweeten the food it also lifts the taste,” he adds.
3 processes
Suchero goes through only three processes: evaporation, granulation and drying.
“We start from the plant itself, and from the plant to the final product, we take really exception to (ensure that) every part of it (is of quality). We don’t outsource anything,” Villa shares.
Suchero is indeed a welcome option as it has also been found to be rich in amino acid, vitamins and minerals.
But what makes Suchero an even better and credible alternative is that it is recommended by doctors.
“Doctors are recommending our product and some even sell it in their clinics. Medical City and Asian Hospital now use Suchero as an in-patient sugar,” Villa concludes.
Suchero is manufactured for and distributed by The Churner Group Inc.