Turning the tide: PH startup reaps big wins amidst pandemic

Turning the tide: PH startup reaps big wins amidst pandemic

/ 09:00 AM July 24, 2022

Written by Janine Plan for INQUIRER.net

If there’s one thing businesses around the world have learned in 2020: it’s this: nothing is ever certain. The COVID-19 pandemic came as a surprise, and along with it came many challenges to overcome, risks to take, and changes to adapt. Omni Channel Solutions Philippines, Inc., being just around three years old then, was one of the more vulnerable to the chaos brought by the pandemic. However, the succeeding years proved the startup’s ability to adapt to the times effectively and to navigate through every obstacle with grace and flexibility.

Omni Channel Solutions Philippines

from left to right: Dustin Quiambao, Lionel Garcia, Vicky Trinidad-Garcia, and Andreev Bajet, the company founders and pioneering members in their office launch last June 1, 2022

In the face of uncertainty

For Omni Channel Solutions Philippines, Inc., the pandemic urged them to see things in a different light—to find creative and innovative ways to thrive in the new normal and cultivate a digital workplace that provides security and stability for its team members and their families.

Omni Channel Solutions Philippines

Omni’s team members in a virtual Halloween party

“I recall telling the team that we are entering uncharted waters, but we’re all in this together,” Vicky Trinidad-Garcia, President and Co-Founder of Omni, stated. “It was impossible to ignore the worries and concerns of not knowing what would happen the next day, but it was on me and the other leaders to ensure everyone that we are not only going to survive this, but we will thrive.

And so, they did.

From having 23 employees around the time of the March 2020 lockdown to over 130 people in June 2022, the company proved that growth doesn’t stop when uncertainty abounds. The above 400% increase in the organization’s headcount was a testament to brands and businesses putting their trust in Omni’s capable hands. New services were born and new partnerships were made over just two years. Not limiting itself to what it can offer, Omni currently has various fields of expertise under its belt: Retail eCommerce, Digital Advertising, Analytics & Insights, Virtual Assistance, Creative Services, and Content Writing. And now, the company is looking to expand its horizons in international and local scenes.

Making a difference

Omni turning any challenging situation, pandemic or not, into a proud moment is an endeavor not attainable by one man alone; it is every individual’s collective efforts that lead to its success. This philosophy serves as the foundation of the company’s purpose-driven, people-first culture—one that strives to make a difference far beyond the four corners of the organization.

Last June 3, 2021, when the bill seeking to grant a five-day mental wellness leave to workers had just been in progress in the House of Representatives, Omni had started rolling out its own Mental Health Wellness Program, which provides seven paid mental health leaves a year.

And that was all just the beginning. This year, the company further solidified its people-first campaign by launching its partnership with Mind You, an organization providing accessible psychological support in the Philippines.

“It’s in our mission that when team members are excited to learn, grow, and engage, it organically creates an environment filled with inspired workers ready to add value to our clients,” said Lionel Garcia, Omni’s Co-Founder. “This is why we need a policy like this. It’s to reciprocate the positive energy and care we’ve asked our members when they join our team.”

Omni Channel Solutions Philippines

The company founders in all smiles as they snap a picture with their team members

Creating an impact

Omni strives to showcase that Filipinos are capable of performing at the highest level in the global business scene. And that although a small nation we may be, our expertise and professionalism can create a ripple effect that will have a far-reaching impact on brands and businesses around the world.

Anchored to its purpose of “Making a difference, creating an impact,” Omni continues to challenge people to always ask themselves, “Am I in a place that allows me to live my purpose and passion at work?” and strive to be the organization that does just that—one that makes its best team members even better and the least of them better than they ever thought they could be.


TAGS: BrandRoom, Business, startup

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