Must-haves for first-time independent dwellers

Getting nice-looking plates is one way to have items that represent who you are without burning a hole in your pocket.

“Home sweet home”—Achieving this ideal isn’t really as easy as plastering signs bearing it on the walls.

Having lived independently for over a decade now, starting when I had to leave home to pursue college, I know for certain that it takes more than just purchasing the basics to make yourself at ease with your new address.

If this is your first time living on your own, as is the case for many students reporting for face-to-face classes and young adults investing in their own place, here are some items that first-time dwellers often ignore or forget all together, but which can be of help.

Pots and pans

We never really forget cooking implements as a food-loving people, but a lot of us move into our new homes with pots and pans that are either unusable or of low-quality. Some realize that building policies don’t allow them to use the usual pots and pans for gas stoves. Others might not go through that but purchase those—especially online—that easily dent or show signs of wear-and-tear. Buy the right type and make sure they are durable so you don’t have to think about replacing them all the time.

Aesthetic plates

Moving in burns a hole in one’s pocket so one cannot buy everything in one go. What usually gets the backseat are the decor. Not to worry because you can just buy nicer plates, from those featuring certain themes and colors to those bearing statements or personality. That way, you have items that represent who you are but does not cost as much as a painting or figurine. You also get to show them off at the housewarming.

Cheese board

Cheese board

No one can blame you for wanting to follow this trend, likely emerging from lockdown woes. It gave us a new way to enjoy our homes. So, if you are for quiet evenings, romantic dates or intimate soirees at home, get the essential cheese board. Give your cheeses, charcuterie and other food items the backdrop they deserve. Oh, pop open the bottle of wine, while you’re at it.

Miracle mop

It’s hard to consider a place homey if it’s dirty. One thing that has personally helped me tidy up my place is the Miracle Mop (invented by Joy Mangano, featured in the movie, “Joy”). It has many iterations on the market. This mop works from the floor to the ceiling, even on hard-to-reach surfaces. It’s also easy to put away.

Air freshener

You cannot underestimate the power of smell. A wretched odor does not belong in a nice address. Meanwhile, a nice aroma can be healthful and energizing. It could even give you reason to just stay in. Get a humidifier that can diffuse scents. Lots of products are available to get pleasant smells wafting in the air indoors. Get an aromatherapy at your sweet home.

A nice aroma can be healthful and energizing for your home.