Easy steps to living sustainably

More than being a fad, living sustainably has become fundamental.

When we see or hear appeals that urge us to reduce our carbon footprint, the first thing that comes to mind is how laborious and difficult it must be to do so. What we do not realize is that doing something as uncomplicated as unplugging your chargers when not in use, not leaving the water running while brushing your teeth, and saying “no” to single-use plastic products can go a long way in helping minimize the use of Earth’s resources.

Just imagine how much we can boost our planet’s depleted resources if every single one of us will stick to these helpful habits and every household gets involved in observing environment-friendly measures. Here are some of the easiest, simplest and most fun ways to lead a sustainable life.



Even as children, we were taught to unplug electrical appliances when not in use. What’s stopping you from leaving that cellphone charger still plugged in even though no one’s using it? Unplugging appliances and devices not only help cut back on energy use, it will also keep the electricity bill down and our homes safe from fires.


Conserve water

Just because it’s free flowing doesn’t mean you’ll enjoy it that way forever. Go easy on your water consumption. Turn off the tap while you’re still busy brushing your teeth, soaping your hands or scrubbing the plates and pans. Reuse the water you washed your rice, fruits or veggies with by using it to water your plants or flush the toilet.


Dispose waste properly

Apply the 3Rs—Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. First, reduce the amount of trash you produce. Bring eco totes or reusable grocery bags with you each time you step out of the house. Reuse those which are still functional. Wash and clean those glass jars and plastic food containers and utensils. Recycle—by getting creative—those items which can serve another purpose. Before throwing out those plastic jugs, you may want to consider turning them into containers for your plants.


Get growing

The pandemic turned practically everyone into plantitos and plantitas. Since you’ve developed a flair for nurturing plants, why not cultivate your very own edible vertical garden? You can begin with the basic and easy-to-grow herbs and veggies such as basil, oregano, dill, mint, cilantro, chives, peppers, lettuce, kale and beans. Put these in pots that are especially designed for vertical gardens (these are available everywhere) and hang on a blank wall at your home.



Shop mindfully

11-11, 12-12—how many of us feel compelled to shop whenever there are promos and sales? While there is nothing wrong with shopping for what you believe are essentials for yourself, you might as well ask yourself first if you really need it. Will the item serve you long term? Is it something you really want? Or are you just buying it only because it’s on sale?


Also, when shopping in physical stores, refuse single-use plastic bags if possible. Choose products that offer minimal packaging, or one that’s reusable. When shopping online, choose shops which are mindful and creative (read: environment-friendly and produce the least trash) with their packaging.

Before clicking on that checkout button, imagine first the amount of discarded plastic bags and bubble wrap that will end up in landfills and our oceans. If you want this planet to last longer for yourself and everyone else, that should be enough to make you think twice.