M Lhuillier’s motorcycle acceptance as collateral for Prenda made easy

M Lhuillier has constantly explored various ways to make the lives of Filipino families become more convenient. With the dire need to prioritize mobility and transportation, M Lhuillier has sought immense options to help more households achieve their dream vehicles and fulfill immediate portability needs through Motorcycle Loans.

M Lhuillier Motorcycle Loan

With the highest appraisal and lowest interest rates in the industry, you will definitely get the most value of your desired motorbike. You will have the freedom to choose to lend securely in every transaction. M Lhuillier’s well-trained and experienced staff ensures that you get fair and reliable appraisals. They are committed to keeping your transactions confidential with the surety you deserve.

Simple Requirements 

A handful of quality Japanese motorcycles which must be brand new or purchased at least two years before acceptance is entitled to the said service. Reliable brands such as Honda, Kawasaki, Yamaha, and Suzuki are the only brands undertaken. These basic requirements are necessary for you to avail of M Lhuillier’s Motorcycle Loan:
– Customer’s vehicle with standard plate number
– Vehicle keys
– Original official receipt (OR) and certificate of registration (CR)
– Two valid IDs

One must comply with the said terms above. The vehicle should be in tip top condition with no extensive body damage and no disqualifying characteristics such as faulty engine or transmission issues. The vehicle must have no mechanical problems and must be road worthy. Motor vehicles must be tested before acceptance to check ease of access.

Safety and Security

At M Lhuillier, safety and security are our utmost priorities. Your collateral items must be in line with the following conditions prior to accepting motorcycles:

– The vehicle should be registered under the name of the actual customer.

– Original copy of the OR should be updated and CR should NOT BE MARKED ENCUMBERED. 

– The vehicle should be free from any liens and encumbrances.

– The odometer reading shouldn’t be beyond 80,000 km, actual mileage shall be indicated on the pawn ticket.

– OR should not be expired all throughout the duration of the loan.

So what are you waiting for? This is the simplest and most comprehensive way for you to avail of M Lhuillier’s Motorcycle Loan. Know that this premium service is available in selected branches nationwide. Customers must agree with the terms and conditions set by M Lhuillier.

M Lhuillier is the Philippines’ largest and most respected non-bank financial institution, continues to uphold its promise of being the Bridge and Tulay ng PaMLyang Pilipino with more than 3,000 serviceable locations nationwide. It continuously seeks better and innovative ways to serve its community by providing fast, easy, and reliable financial services such as Kwarta Padala, Quick Cash Loan, Bills Payment, Insurance Plan, Money Exchange, Jewelry, ML Wallet, ML Express, ML Logistics, and Telco and online TV Loading.

Follow M Lhuillier Financial Services, Inc. on Facebook, or visit mlhuillier.com for more information. For inquiries, contact Customer Care through its toll-free number 1-800-1-0572-3252 or email customercare@mlhuillier.com.