Building a COVID-proof business

To move from the vibrant city life to the laidback countryside is a moment of contemplation.

My inner voice started to speak, “What gives you joy?” On a whim, I knew how I wanted to recreate the experience of growing up in the luxuriant garden of my grandmother. So I did. Hence, Sonya’s Garden was born and my life has changed since then.

To embark on a business of passion is a reflection of the soul: bursting with an inner stream of dreams. The blazing desire unravels a joyful journey of crafting every detail of it. This is what I wish to share with all of you, a plan that I have designed two decades ago and which has become relevant in this time of pandemic.

Countryside property investment. The primary decision that I made was to invest in my own retirement property, away from the city noise and pollution. As I explored the town of Alfonso, I discovered idle lands with natural springs, which then led me to venture into landbanking.

Sonya’s Garden allows for a truly relaxing experience.

Healing powers of nature. The Divine has gifted us with nature, the natural source for the body to heal itself from the cellular level. Discover the power of oxygen therapy, feeding the body with organic food, walking in the morning sun, swimming in natural spring water, basking in nature to reduce stress and sleeping soundly enfolded by the nippy weather.

Socially distanced architecture. Sonya’s Garden has always been thoughtfully designed with a sprawling space from the garden pathways, restaurants, cottages to the interiors. Even the spa has its individual room and shower.

Sonya’s Garden spa is a perfect treat for weary urbanites.

Natural ventilation design. We have no aircon at Sonya’s Garden—an intention to celebrate nature’s gift of fresh air, extended to guests to increase their oxygen level to improve blood pressure, heart rate, mental concentration and immunity. It is a structure meant to create an airflow pattern to bring fresh air in and send stale air out. Even the toilet is open air that looks out to the screened window, allowing one to appreciate views of nature. The skylight ventilation design is also meant to reduce carbon footprint.

Discover the power of oxygen therapy and feed your body with organic food at Sonya’s Garden.

Creating a wellness ecosystem. The enterprise is meant to be a healing sanctuary to every soul that enters the garden, from guests to staff. As we look after the well-being of each guest and so do we for each member of the Sonya’s Garden team who plays an integral role in the cultural model of wellness and hospitality. They are provided with their plot of land to live, healthy meals at work, and sustainability training by planting and harvesting their own food in their backyard.

It has been 23 years and Sonya’s Garden continues to attract souls seeking refuge and wellness. Some of them have become friends, while others wish to live the same lifestyle by spending a new life with the entire family on a farm.

Let business be thy soul. My mission has been crystal clear early on: to celebrate the lusciousness of life and share it with others.

To book at Sonya’s Garden or to inquire about neighboring properties, you may reach us at through the Facebook page of Sonya’s Garden, email, call 0917 5335140 | 0917 5031080 or visit the website