Simple steps to living green

Sustainability is a big word with a big impact, and often espoused by big companies. But that does not mean we cannot practice it individually, in our small ways, right from our humble abodes. The mission is to lessen our usage of the earth’s resources.

From shutting down that desktop computer every time you’re done using it to growing your own small herb garden at home, we can begin living that sustainable lifestyle even as soon as you put this paper down. Inquirer Property has come up with some simple ways to help jumpstart your green way of living and ultimately lessen your carbon footprint.


Reduce energy use

For the past year, your household energy consumption has most probably doubled. This gives you more reason to be mindful of conserving electricity. Is your laptop or mobile phone done charging? Unplug the charger from the socket already. Make sure the same goes for all appliances which are not in use. Switch off the lights in areas of the house unless necessary, or at least use energy-efficient, cost-saving light bulbs such as LEDs.


Save water

Treat every drop of water as if it’s gold. While you should continue the hygienic practice of washing your hands as a precaution against viruses, don’t keep the water running while you’re soaping every nook and cranny of your hands. Turn the faucet off as well while you’re brushing your teeth or doing the dishes. Take shorter showers, too. Place a bucket under the shower to collect the drops of water that trickle from it. You can then use the collected water to flush the toilet or water the plants. Save the water you used in washing your fruits, veggies, pasta and even rice for watering your plants as well.



Reusable is cool

We have come at an age when we can easily get our hands on reusable personal products, from water bottles and drinking straws to shopping bags and food containers. Keep a reusable water bottle with you at all times when you’re out of the house. There are many establishments that are generous with providing clean drinking water if you need a refill. Say no thanks to disposable drinking cups and other single-use plastics.

Wash and save those plastic food containers for future use. These can serve as desk or drawer organizers or storage for toys, pens and other trinkets. Bring reusable food containers for take out so you won’t have to put your leftover food in disposable cartons. There are even collapsible, microwave-safe, BPA-free ones that you can get. When buying home-cooked meals from your neighborhood carinderia, bring a reusable food container as well, or even a cooking pot, so the store won’t have to place your food in single-use plastic bags. Brush off the teasing that you’ll get from the neighbors and inspire them to do the same instead. You’re doing your obligation as a responsible resident of this planet.

“It’s just one straw. Said 8 billion people.” Keep this line in mind each time you’ll be asking for a disposable, one-time use straw instead of choosing a reusable one. You weren’t really planning on getting that cup of boba milk tea? Keep a reusable metal drinking straw in your bag at all times so you won’t have that dilemma next time.


Compost food waste

Since you’re spending more time cooking and eating at home, turn your fruit and vegetable peelings and scraps into compost. Get a heavy duty garbage can or pail, drill some holes around it and fill this with your food scraps layered with soil and dried leaves and twigs from your garden. Remember to chop the food scraps into smaller pieces.


Donate unused items

If you have not worn that pair of jeans or those shirts that have been tucked away inside your closet for the past six months, those already belong to someone else. Let go of those clothes, bags, pairs of shoes, books, school and office supplies that you no longer use or won’t be needing anymore. There are various groups and charities that would be more than happy to help take your old clothes off your hands and pass it on to those in need.