Fighting online learning distress

Classes dangerously close to Christmas Day had been a no-no until now.

On a regular year, students would be on a school break by the second week of December. They would now be at home in the day and out in the neighborhood in the eve, singing: “‘Tis the season to be jolly.”

Alas, revelries this year will be so different from past ones because of COVID-19. Before taking a break, some students took long exams and finished projects and requirements.

As home-based learning has erased sacred lines between home and classroom, and really taken a toll on young people’s minds, parents can help their wards lessen the distress and ease into the merry Yuletide spirit with simple steps.

Some herbal teas are also scientifically proven to alleviate anxiety and increase the quality of sleep.

Tea party. Invite the children to tea. The rituals around making and drinking tea are soothing on their own. However, some herbal teas are also scientifically proven to alleviate anxiety and increase the quality of sleep. Chamomile tea lowers cortisol, a stress hormone. Some liken its effects on Xanax. Rose tea has similar impacts on the body. There is a no-drowse option if the kids absolutely need to keep going: green tea. It can soothe them without lulling them to sleep.

Look for nice, soothing fragrances like lavender.

Relaxing smell. Some young people cannot stand the flavors of herbs, but one can always appeal to their sense of smell with the ancient practice of aromatherapy. Look for nice, soothing fragrances like lavender, sandalwood and, of course, chamomile. There is an abundance of options in wellness (even grocery) stores. Use a diffuser and let the odors waft in the air or put drops in the kids’ bathwater. The scent might benefit everyone else in the house.

Get your kids’ minds off stressful schoolwork this season: bring out the tree, deck the home with lanterns and lights.

Practical gifts. So many other practical measures can help parents get their children’s minds off schoolwork and on the Yuletide. Treat them to a massage as a gift. Invite them to exercise. Finally, display visuals that declare the season has, indeed, arrived: Deck the halls with lanterns and lights, bring out the tree, play familiar carols.

Medicard MACE App

Mace app. When these fail to address the anxiety and burnout, you may conveniently get professional help with Medicard Philippine’s MACE App. The free software allows you to access vital medical services from your home.