In a little while …

Question: What tips do you have for life after the pandemic? Asked at “Ask a Friend, Ask Efren” free service at, SMS, Viber, Twitter, LinkedIn, WhatsApp, Instagram and Facebook.

Answer: In a little while, not much longer, you will see weddings officiated in packed churches with long lists of people in the wedding entourage. On the heels of these ceremonies are the well-attended receptions full of smiles, laughter, hugging and “beso-beso.”

In a little while, not much longer, malls will be filled to the brim with social distancing relegated to the history books. People will again storm sale offerings, for better or for worse. Mall sales will compound the already heavy traffic in the surrounding streets. People will once again fight over scarce parking slots.

In a little while, not much longer, hospitals will be occupied more by people going for elective surgeries, treatments for the elderly and those with nonvirus triggered illnesses. Widespread ICU isolation will give way to “I see you” visitation. There will be long queues outside doctors’ clinics, testing the patience of patients once more.

In a little while, not much longer, night spots will be filled by the night owls. Bars and restaurants will have wait lists as people restore their demand for inebriation and savor the latest in gastronomic delights. Oh, the stories and gossips to swap during these nighttime get-togethers. Concerts and plays will once again be a great reason for going out with friends and family, whether or not there is a special occasion to celebrate.

In a little while, not much longer, demand for video streaming will be reduced by a return to watching on the giant screen in a cold, dark room with popcorn in one hand and a cool drink in the other. And there will be no need to worry about cleaning up after.

In a little while, not much longer, the release of all this pent-up demand will lead companies to hire again. Those who would have lost their jobs during the pandemic will be bewildered by the myriad of options for employment. This will be true not only for local employment but also for jobs abroad.

Things will go back to the old normal simply because people are social animals, they need to interact. Whatever technology and practices were relied on during the lockdown may still be leveraged on. But remember that technology is only created for people and not the other way around.

Use the wait time during the pandemic as a great opportunity for a reset. Value more what you were deprived of during the lockdown and study how to integrate further into your life the things you needed to rely on to weather the limits to your mobility.

There will be a mad scramble by marketers to get into your head and persuade you to buy their products and services in an effort to recoup lost sales during the pandemic. This is why your brain is the most expensive real estate in the world. Be aware then of which offer is true and which is but a gimmick (e.g. 0-percent interest, buy one / take one, sale, etc.). And mind you, not all online prices are cheaper than in-store prices, especially if you pay in cash.

In a little while, not much longer, you will again see faces up close and personal, without the blurring of a transparent shield, and the infectious virus giving way to the infectious smile.

Have patience. Keep the faith and spread it.

Stay safe and healthy. INQ

Efren Ll. Cruz is a Registered Financial Planner of RFP Philippines, seasoned investment adviser, bestselling author of personal finance books in the Philippines. Join our Yaman Coach FREE Webinar series. For details, email To learn more about personal financial planning, attend the 87th RFP Program this January 2021.

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