Antidote to homeschooling ‘pains’

As a very different school year commences, we find students staying at home for their classes. Instead of going to school, students will have sit in front of a screen for extended periods, go through their lessons at home, and rely on self-study to learn amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

This unique scenario carries distinct physical and mental challenges that guardians should both know and ably address so they can keep their kids well and “in school.” Here are a few home remedies for some common homeschooling health concerns.

Eye strain

Cucumber slices for tired eyes —123RF.COM

When reading books or staring at devices for a prolonged period, one’s eyes can get overworked. This can result in eye redness, blurry vision and dry or watery eyes, among others. Introduce the 20-20-20 rule: Every 20 minutes, look at something 20 feet away for at least 20 seconds. You may also try applying a warm or cold compress on your student’s eyes while they lie down. If you have aloe vera leaves or cucumber at your disposal, you can cool them. Get the gel from the aloe vera or slice the cucumber, pull out the child, and apply these on their eyes for 10 minutes.


Work overload can overwhelm your learner’s mind and quite literally make their head spin. One very well documented home remedy is ginger. Dizziness is yet another thing that ginger tea, or salabat, can address. If the taste isn’t to your child’s liking, you can add fresh or ground ginger to their diet or have them take ginger supplements instead. If the cause of the dizziness is low blood sugar, prepare an apple cider vinegar drink, then add honey to taste. The Chinese also believe that ginkgo biloba treats dizziness and sharpens the mind.

Muscle pain

Encourage your learner to routinely take breaks to do stretches. —PINCLIPART. COM

Sitting all day can put a strain on the back, neck and other parts of the body. Encourage your learner to routinely take breaks to do stretches; feed them bananas to ensure that they don’t suffer aches from potassium deficiency; and remind them to hydrate so they don’t get spasms from lack of fluids.

If the pain is already there, prepare a hot or cold compress (heat increases blood flow, cold reduces inflammation), and apply it to the affected area for about 10 minutes at a time. Try a turmeric or ginger drink, too, as it has properties that can reduce inflammation.


Guardians may set ground rules like breathing techniques, timeouts every hour and even early morning exercises. Another practical tip is aromatherapy—using certain scents to help the mind relax. Lavender, rose, basil, ylang-ylang and chamomile are known to have a relaxing, calming effect. Buy essential oils and treat your learner to a head massage to help them relax. Consider lighting scented candles or plugging in a scented humidifier in their study area, too.


It’s always beneficial for guardians to be mindful and observant when their ward is home-based. This is especially true now as their classes are held at home. If a condition persists after the home remedy, seek professional help as soon as possible. Act immediately to avoid dire consequences. One great way to immediately connect with health professionals is through Medicard Philippines’ MACE App, which offers a quick, easy and convenient way to access its roster of healthcare services. Install the free app, available over App Store and Play Store, and get the necessary help from health professionals right in the comfort of your home.

Get help from health professionals right in the comfort of your home through MACE App.