Alex Bernhardt Jr. President & CEO, Bernhardt Furniture Company , Lenoir North Carolina
Working or studying from home? Or simply watching your favorite TV series? Bernhardt will elevate your everyday experience at the safety of your home with its exceptional stunning pieces that provides comfort, function, and style. We know it could be a challenge adjusting to the “new normal” but having support from your family and friends can be a huge help in order to cope this global health crisis. In a time where social distancing and staying at home is strictly implemented, we have a chance to be closer to our loved ones. We can take advantage of this situation to enjoy our home with our family.
Build an environment where your family will fall in love with. Find your decorative style and bring in stunning pieces that reflects you and your family’s lifestyle in every room. Quaint, exquisite, charming? Your choice absolutely.
To give selections that offers luxury, comfort, functional, and stylish pieces at a better and lower price point is our way to show our small contribution to society in this time of crisis to make each home a beauty. As Alex Bernhardt, Jr said, “Our family hopes to offer comfort to your family in these unprecedented times. We endeavor to create inspirational design at affordable price.” This October 9-11 we are having the Bernhardt Annual Sale 2020!
This is going to be our biggest annual sale ever! See unique forms and charming accents at our Greenhills Showroom and Pop-up Showroom at the Powerplant Mall R1 Level. Guests can explore on their own or be led by sales executives. Bernhardt values the safety of its guests, we are implementing safety protocols such as hand sanitizing, wearing of mask, using face shield, and proper social distancing inside or outside of our showrooms. We also have an appointment system – 1 guest at a time every hour, so make sure to book your appointments as early as now to reserve your slot. For inquiries please contact us at 8 28 5433 or 0977 830 1122. You can also reach us through our social media accounts. Visit our website at www.bernhardtph.com. See you there!