Simple cures for the ‘new normal’ lifestyle

Supposedly, the easiest way to achieve work-life balance is to leave work in the office. When COVID-19 struck however, compartmentalizing home and office became even more complicated. Many had to carve out a workspace inside their homes, erasing what was once a sacred boundary.

Changes in routine have disoriented us. Clear schedules for breaks and timeouts have vanished. We have habitually missed meals, forgotten to hydrate, foregone physical activity and broken sleep patterns. These changes have elicited reactions from our bodies, such as chronic pains in various parts.

Changes in routine during this pandemic have elicited reactions from our bodies.

Indigestion. Sometimes, our tummies do not process food easily. Indigestion may occur with overeating, hurried intake, consuming oily or spicy food, and chugging carbonated and caffeinated drinks—triggers may vary. When it attacks, take in more water and observe if it lessens the pain. If this does not work, drink water with two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar or lemon juice and a pinch of baking soda. Also try mint or ginger tea, as well as aloe juice and coco water.

Drink more water to help fight indigestion.

Insomnia. We can lose our sense of time with isolation, thus, disrupting our sleep patterns. What if counting sheep doesn’t cut it? Specialists suggest that increasing magnesium intake can induce sleep. Green leafy vegetables, pumpkin seeds, avocados, tofu and bananas are great sources. Avoid caffeinated drinks and, instead, consume warm milk or chamomile tea. To ease yourself into a shuteye, self-massage with lavender oil.

Lavender oil may help soothe headaches or ease yourself to sleep.

Headache. This is attributable to various factors, such as sleep deprivation, distress and poor ergonomics. Assess if you are experiencing a tension pain or a migraine. For the former, massage your temples with peppermint oil or use a hot compress. Soothe the latter with lavender oil or a cold compress. Ginger tea may also address a headache.

Finally, remove possible triggers like processed meat, cultured dairy products and alcoholic beverages from your diet; and load up on magnesium, which can be sourced from cashews, peanut butter, oatmeal and eggs.

Medicard MACE App

The pains we feel may be symptoms of conditions home remedies can’t treat. If you want to be certain, reach a health professional through MediCard Philippines’ MACE app. It is a free mobile platform that allows members of the leading HMO to conveniently avail of services and benefits, including consultation requests. Help is now just a few taps away.