Cures for plantitos/plantitas

Your potted plants will not bite but, under some circumstances, they can still pose hazards. This bears repeating especially now that many have found an interest in home gardens to ward off their COVID-19 boredom. For those moments when caring hurts, plantitos and plantitas should be prepared with cures that are easy to find at home.

Allergies. You may get nasal allergies or skin rashes. For skin reactions, add water to oatmeal until its pasty then slather it onto your skin or pour it into your bathwater. You can also do the same with baking soda. For nasal allergies, first try to identify the trigger. You may do a nasal rinse with saltwater, inhale some steam (tuob) or simply hydrate more. To boost your resistance, increase intake of Vitamin C, a natural antihistamine.

Bugs. With the onset of rainy season, your plants can get bug infestations. Not only can the insects kill your beloved plants but also cause some issues with sanitation at home when allowed to fester. They may also bite, cause itching or fly towards your face or ear so suddenly. How do you ward them off? Sometimes, all you must do is be a responsible owner and water your plants to wash the bugs off as rainwater would. If the infestation persists, spray soapy water, concoct a pepper spray or stick a clove of garlic into the soil.

Cuts. Reeds, roses and cacti come to mind. No matter how careful we are with these plants, we still might get stung or cut. Wash the wound with soap and water, then assess. If there are thorns stuck, remove them, then apply pressure to stop the bleeding. If the bleeding continues or the skin shows signs of irritation even after applying anti-inflammatory remedies, seek medical help.

Home remedies are not fail-safe. If you need advice from a medical professional but are afraid to go to a hospital because of COVID-19, you may request an online consultation from home via the Medicard Philippines’ MACE App, free on Google and Apple Store. This mobile app allows you to request for a consultation; request approval for labs and diagnostics; view your utilization; view the status of your reimbursement, among others.