At home self-care essentials

Extreme heat and sudden weather changes are so usual now that we ignore the extraordinary toll these can inflict on the body. COVID-19 makes it crucial for us to be more aware of the once ignorable health impacts of the weather.

Our bodies can react negatively to extreme heat and cold. In urban settings in the tropics, that means hot weather aggravated by the heat island effect. This can cause disorientation, dehydration, nausea, muscle pains and skin infections. The other concern is a quick transition between sunny and rainy, which can trigger anything from cough and colds to fever, head and muscle aches, even allergies and flu. To get these under control quickly, hydration and rest are important. But there are many other home remedies to address these.

Cold packs

Heat can cause dizziness and nausea, so just balance it out. The implement can serve other purposes, as it decreases inflammation, bleeding and pain. You can use it for headaches, strains and sprains, fever and hemorrhoids.

It’s useful to have a hot or cold pack at home.

Hot compress bag

Something that does the opposite also makes it to the list. Heat increases blood flow to reduce pain and speed up healing, so it can address cramps and other pains. For colds, it helps relieve a stuffy nose and chest discomfort. You may also use it for eye and ear issues, as well as boils and cysts.

Baking soda is said to help prevent yeast and fungus growth.

Baking soda

It is a cooking ingredient that has cleaning purposes and health benefits, too. Add it to saltwater and gargle. The salt will reduce swelling and irritation; the baking soda will kill bacteria, prevent yeast and fungus growth, soothe the throat, and break up mucus. It also prevents acid reflux, keeps the mouth clean and teeth white, and soothes itches and sunburns.

Use a nasal aspirator to clean nasal cavity of mucus.

Nasal aspirator

You may have seen those baby videos. The method works for adults, too. It can offer help to those who find blowing their nose uncomfortable. You just need to fill them with warm saline water and pump away. If you don’t like the rush, there’s also the neti pot, a teapot-like device that lets water flow into a nostril. Experts say that this practice can clean the nasal cavity of mucus and impurities, as well as alleviate allergies.

Medicard members and non-members may avail of the rapid antibody testing for COVID-19 via the MACE app.

Medicard clinic

Interpreting signs can be difficult with COVID-19. The body’s adaptation can momentarily render us powerless against infection. We may also mistake a COVID-19 infection for a natural defense to the weather. To be sure, avail of Medicard Philippines’ rapid antibody testing for COVID-19. Call or visit any of Medicard Philippines’ free-standing clinics today or check out its website, for more information.