Home cures while on quarantine

Start acting like you have COVID-19, we’ve heard experts say.

This frame of mind helps us dodge a virus for which we have no immunity nor a vaccine yet. It reminds each one to stick to hand hygiene and thorough disinfection, as well as social distancing and face masks. This also highlights the importance of self-isolation of up to 14 days when we exhibit COVID-19 symptoms. To spare our families, circles and communities from the threat of an outbreak, especially when testing and treatment are inaccessible, we must stay at home. In isolation, we can weather symptoms more easily through simple home remedies.

Help yourself sweat by drinking hot beverages.

Water with lemon can do wonders for the body.

Fever. Take a lukewarm bath or give yourself a cool sponge bath focusing on armpits and other high-heat areas. Help yourself sweat with hot beverages and spices on your food. To hydrate, drink lots of water or, for more taste and nutrition, fruit juice.

Dry cough and sore throat. Regularly consume a hot peppermint, ginger or turmeric drink, maybe add honey. All the above ingredients have antimicrobial and soothing effects. You may also gargle warm water with salt a few times a day.

Alleviate body pains through stretching.

Steam inhalation can help relieve a stuffy nose.

Body aches. You can alleviate body pains by stretching, sleeping, or applying a hot or cold compress. Some home items can help, too. Pour apple cider vinegar into your warm honey water. For potassium deficiency, the solution is eating a banana. If you want to target both body and mind, massage the painful part of your body with the essential oils of lavender and peppermint.

Nasal congestion. Tuob or steam inhalation does not cure COVID-19, but it can help with a stuffy nose. Drinking lots of fluids and placing a warm towel over your face can break down mucus buildup. When lying down, it is best to prop yourself up and elevate your head.

For potassium deficiency, the solution is eating a banana.

Diarrhea. Swap greasy, fatty and spicy food for the ‘BRAT’ diet. The food items in the simple regimen–bananas, rice, applesauce, toast–do not stick around in the stomach. Avoid milk products, juices, sodas and alcoholic beverages, and prefer clean water and herbal teas. To load up on electrolytes, drink sports drinks or coconut water.

Nothing beats knowing your status. Good thing Medicard Philippines now offers rapid antibody testing for COVID-19. Call any Medicard Free-Standing Clinic for questions and appointments. Medicard members may request testing via the MACE app. Get health tips and updates on Medicard’s Facebook page and websites (medicardphils.com and medicardlifestyle.com).

Medicard members and non-members may avail of the rapid antibody testing for COVID-19 via the MACE app.