Putting students first

Putting students first

TLDC provides its residents with spaces that are safe, secure and conducive for learning.

Heavy rains mean flooded, impassable streets. And if you are a student (or a parent of one) this means you have to stay alert at any given time if and whether the day’s classes will be suspended.

This may not be as distressing for some, certainly not when you caught that much-awaited announcement just before you are about to step out your door on your way to school.  It is a different story, however, for parents whose children are in college and are living away from home.  They are faced with constant worry whether their child was able to survive the commute to school despite the heavy rains or if he or she was able to make it back to the dorm or the condo in one piece after classes have been cancelled.

By building its premium university residences well within walking distance to some of the country’s top schools and universities, Torre Lorenzo Development Corp. (TLDC) has eased that worry in parents.

Aside from proximity, the pioneer developer of premium university residences promises safety and security as well, as its high-rises have round-the-clock security and are outfitted with radio-frequency identification (RFID) systems which means only residents with access cards can come in its condos.

A father of two, Lito Teves decided to get a unit at 2Torre Lorenzo for his children who were both studying at the De La Salle University.

“We got to have peace of mind when we acquired that condo unit because aside from just being across my kids’ school, only residents with access cards can come in the condo,” explained Teves. The building’s security features made him and his wife worry less about the safety of their two kids in Manila.

Putting students firstParents also have the option to be notified through a text message that their child has reached the building safe and sound as soon as the student taps his or her RFID access card to enter the building.

Going by a “students first” mantra also means coming up with living spaces that will complement the life of a university student.  All of TLDC’s university residences are designed with study lounges, soundproof study rooms or study pods in quiet zones.  Meeting rooms are also available for residents who need to have classmates over for group projects.

Aside from providing its residents with spaces that are conducive for learning, the premium property developer also sees to it that those who will call a TLDC high-rise home will have the right balance of study and play.  Amenities such as gyms and swimming pools, sky lounges and visitor areas are on hand so student residents can relax and take a breather especially when school gets too stressful.

“The company is very deliberate in our planning, strategizing and decision-making,” explained TLDC president and chief executive officer Tomas P. Lorenzo.  “We continue to listen to our homeowners and our investors to ensure that our offerings raise their lifestyles and respond to their needs,” he continued.

By having a clear understanding of what parents and their children need, TLDC had given new meaning on what it means to put students first.