Nature-inspired living in the concrete jungle

American architect Frank Lloyd Wright said it himself: “Study nature, love nature, stay close to nature. It will never fail you.”

Nature, indeed, has that magic to recharge our tired bodies and restore our weakened spirits.  We have to admit that living in the bustling concrete jungle that is Metro Manila, while exciting and convenient, may also cause physical and mental stress at times.

According to the website, those residing in cities have a higher probability of suffering from mood and anxiety disorders compared to those in rural areas.

Spending time in natural settings is one of the best antidotes to a stressful lifestyle.  While we can’t always run off to the mountains or nature parks outside the city, we can turn our living spaces into a nature-inspired haven so we can still benefit from the calming effects of nature even while we are at home.

Of course, the best and easiest way of having a nature-inspired home is by introducing plants in every corner of your house or condo.  But not all plants are created equal.

There are plants which only thrive outdoors while other species agree perfectly with indoor living. Some plants are easygoing and require very low maintenance, while others will demand all the care and attention in the world.

Check out Plant Parenthood on Instagram or their website, The online shop offers a wide selection of indoor plants to give your home the perfect nature feel. It even offers tips for first-time plantparents, suggestions if you’re looking for pet-friendly plants and answers for all your plant care questions.

From ways to incorporate natural elements in your house’s interiors to “nonplant” suggestions for a more outdoors feel inside your home, has a myriad of practical tips on how to bring nature into your home.

Aside from using natural materials and finishes in your living space, it suggests taking advantage of natural daylight as it is “one of the easiest, cheapest and most beautiful natural elements” and can make any room come alive. In fact, sunlight is known to increase serotonin levels in the brain which in turn may lead to a better mood. Lower levels of serotonin are linked to depression and anxiety.

If you love plants but are not blessed with a green thumb, your hopes of having touches of green in your house or condo are not lost.  The website suggests integrating natural patterns in your daily decor. Get adventurous with floral wall accents, palm-printed throw pillows and leaf art prints.

If you are looking for pegs which can help you transform your home into a sanctuary that has a more nature feel, Instagram has quite a number of accounts which can be of help.

Check out stylist and best-selling author Emily Henderson’s easy-to-follow design ideas—from bedrooms that will make you feel like you are perpetually on vacation, to which indoor plants you should ideally have inside the house and which are hardy and can even survive a zombie apocalypse.

Always complaining about your tiny kitchen?  Henderson has useful, space-saving tips to help you with your woes, too.

Lush Residences

One good option for nature-inspired living is SM Development Corp.’s Lush Residences.

Rising on the corner of Bagtikan Street in Makati, Lush Residences promises to be your urban retreat in this highly developed concrete jungle.  From its breathing, green wall which serves as the facade of its iconic building design to the verdant foliage from the lobby up to the amenity area, nature is seamlessly blended into SMDC’s premium residential development.

From its thriving green spaces, well-appointed amenities to its thoughtfully designed open spaces, Lush Residences is indeed designed to inspire balance and well-being.

With Lush Residences’ thriving green spaces and well-thought-out amenities, SMDC gives careful consideration to residents’ wellness. Here is that premium sanctuary that is your own lush escape in the city.