Ways to sell effectively
For top management and HR professionals, the easiest “items” or positions to justify are, more often than not, sales-related. Here, the return on investments is expected and assured, or so the thinking goes.
Sometimes, however, the basics of effective selling are ignored or forgotten, such that the end results are not up to par. We asked Angelica Ventanilla, who has years of experience in selling, for her thoughts on reinforcing the basics of selling.
1. Sell yourself as well, not just the product
One common oversight of most sales persons is that they focus solely on selling their product or service. A great salesperson should be able to pitch himself/herself as well regardless of the product, price and use. The secret is good communication and rapport. Be a good listener and develop empathy, and the sales will follow.
2. Profile your client
While creating a profile of your client, recall the old adage: “Different strokes for different folks.”
If your client is “old school,” he or she will expect a visit or at least a phone call. Younger millennials, on the other hand, will be comfortable and perhaps even prefer communicating through social media.
Another example: If your clients are businessmen, give them the bottom line right away, and provide sustainable solutions. These clients may seem intimidating at first, but they may just turn out to be the best people to deal with. They are honest, frank and direct to the point.
3. Address common challenges right away
The main challenges of your clients will always be: limited resources, manpower and budget. Learn how to address these and provide beneficial solutions. For example, give price breaks, alternatives and discounts.
4. Forget me, not
Never forget your previous clients. Visit them in good and bad times. Do not visit them only when you want to get a sale. Before you know it, they will be calling you.
Ventanilla will be facilitating a workshop titled “Effective selling: Elevating your sales game with tools and techniques to close a sale” on March 15, 2019, to be held at Inquirer Academy.
There will also be a course to help sales professionals moving into management roles titled “Selling to Managing: Making the leap from individual performer to sales leader” which will be on Feb. 26-27, 2019.
The Inquirer Academy is located at 4168 Don Chino Roces Ave. corner Ponte St., Makati City. For more information about the workshop or for comments, you may e-mail ask@inquireracademy.com, call (632) 834-1557 or 771-2715 and look for Jerald Miguel or Karl Paz, or visit www.inquireracademy.com.