Home remedies for date night mishaps

Nothing can probably stop those swooning, lovey-dovey couples from celebrating Valentine’s Day.

As the day of hearts approaches, don’t be surprised to see couples everywhere pulling sweet surprises on each other, though nothing is probably more intimate and more romantic than having date night lovingly prepared at home.

You’ve got it all set—the table is ready for that candlelit dinner complete with your significant other’s favorite pasta dish you have lovingly prepared, a bottle of red wine and chocolates for dessert. You’ve even sprinkled rose petals everywhere for that ultra-romantic mood.

However, no matter how perfect you’ve planned and mapped out your fun night at home, it helps to know how to take care of those little accidents such as wine spills or food smudges. Here are some quick fixes for when you get…

wine on your carpet

Don’t cry over spilt wine on your carpet. After blotting wine stain with paper towels or a clean cloth, dilute what remains of it by pouring a small amount of cold water on it. Continue blotting until the wine stain has lifted.

If this does not work, mix two cups of warm water with one tablespoon of white vinegar and one tablespoon of dishwashing liquid. Using a sponge, apply the solution directly on the wine stain. Blot continuously until the stain has been removed. If your carpet is white, mix one part clear dishwashing liquid with two parts hydrogen peroxide. Apply with a sponge and continue blotting.

pasta sauce on the tablecloth

Funny how the more we try to avoid making a mess, the more that marinara sauce ends up and sticks on our tablecloth. And tomato-based stains are some of the most tricky to get rid of.

Run cold water through the backside of the stained part of the tablecloth instead of the front. Rub some dishwashing liquid or liquid detergent on the stained part of the fabric. Soak it for about 10 minutes and then rinse thoroughly.

chocolates on the couch

Mix one tablespoon of dishwashing soap with two cups cold water. Apply the solution on the stained area using a sponge and then blot with a dry cloth. Repeat this step until the stain has lifted. Air dry afterwards.

rose petals on sheets and bathtubs

Sprinkling rose petals on the bed or in the bathtub might make for a romantic surprise for your partner. But they leave quite a mess, too, especially when ground on.

To remove rose petals from the bath tub, spray a cleaning agent on the stain, let it sit for a few minutes then scrub if off with a cleaning brush.

For bed sheets, wash the stains off with a strong detergent immediately.  The longer you leave the stain on the sheet, the harder it will be to wash off.

Sources: spotremoval.coit.com, thespruce.com, hunker.com, pexels.com, pixabay.com