Mindfulness in the workplace

We’ve been hearing the term “mindfulness” a lot, lately, and we’ve wondered how it could be applied in our work life.

We asked Luz Mercurio, an expert on organizational and talent development, for her insights and here’s her take:

We live in a very busy world and often move quickly from one task to another in autopilot mode.

We focus more on planning for the future, reviewing the past and rarely see ourselves living in the present moment.

Mindfulness is achieved when we consciously pay attention to the present on purpose and without judgement.

It is  a way of reconnecting with our life by cultivating awareness on things we experience and people who need our attention at this very moment.   Here are some benefits to businesses:

Mindfulness helps employees manage stress

In the recent survey of labor force, 44 percent of the cause of stress, depression or anxiety is due to workload.

Industries with higher than average rates of stress are human health and social work activities.

How then can these workers take care of the well-being of other people if they themselves are not mentally and emotionally prepared?

The increased level of job stress is due to the perception of employees of having little control over increasing demands of work.

Based on various research studies, mindfulness when practiced regularly can create positive changes in the brain that can increase resilience, reduce stress and gain peace of mind.

Meditation helps focus thoughts and feelings as they occur.  Negative thoughts can then be managed in a more constructive way.

Supported by other stress management techniques, mindfulness can help people live healthier lives.

Mindful leaders inspire employees

Studies show that leaders who demonstrate mindfulness, create a happy work environment.

Employees usually observe the behavior of their managers as they enter the workplace.  The disposition of the manager sometimes dictates the work atmosphere.

When the manager is distracted, stressed or indecisive, the employees get confused, fearful and disengaged.

When the manager is focused, relaxed and empathetic, employees are inspired, dedicated and productive. Relationship matters when we want a productive environment.

When employees feel valued and respected, they are willing to go “the extra mile”  and focus energies in making customers happy as well.

Mindfulness encourages well-being in the workplace

In this digital era with an ambiguous yet competitive  global economy, there are reports of a decline in well-being in the workplace.

Mindfulness programs encourage  employees to stop for a moment, breathe and refocus themselves through regular classes.

In Google, employees attend a course called “Search Inside Yourself.”

Participants follow three steps: attention training, self-knowledge and self-mastery, and the creation of useful mental habits.

Those who attend mindfulness classes develop mental and social skills that make them more empathetic and resilient. Thus, better relationships are fostered and people in the workplace are less overwhelmed while meeting plentiful demands from customers and stakeholders.

Mercurio will conduct a one-day course titled “Mindfulness in the Workplace: Improving your focus, creativity and decision making” on Oct. 16, 2018.

The Inquirer Academy is at 4168 Don Chino Roces Ave. corner Ponte St., Makati City. For more information about the workshops or if you would like to add your input on the article, you may e-mail ask@inquireracademy.com, call (632) 834-1557 or 771-2715  and look for Jerald Miguel or Judy Bondoc.