Student’s space guidebook

Move this, move that

For students, there’s nothing more exciting—and nerve-wracking—than figuring out how to fix your own room or at least your personal space whether at home or at the dorm just before a whole new academic year starts.

Decorating and furnishing a room to make it more conducive for studying is much like problem solving. You take repeated, varied attempts until you get it right or, in this case, what is right for you.

Here are some simple hacks to hopefully aid you in figuring out what to do with your own space, and to help make learning more fun and hassle-free.

Move this, move that

Not all room layouts are equal. Rearrange the furniture in your room—from the bed, the desk to the shelves—and see which setup will help you concentrate on schoolwork best. Don’t be afraid to move things around to figure out which layout will suit you best whether for sleeping or studying.

One, two, three

Multifunctional furniture is your best company. It can help you save space and can be economical, too. Get stools, ottomans and tables that have hidden storage. Be it books, pens, tons of papers, notepads, chargers for your gadgets—a student’s clutter accumulates fast, even before he or she reaches the middle of the semester.

A daybed, meanwhile, can create additional seating especially when you have friends over for group projects. A pouf can be used either as an extra chair or a table.

Personalize it

Plain, blank walls may sometimes be too cheerless and uninspiring, especially for young minds. However, if painting on your room’s walls is not an option, use removable wall decals to liven it up instead.

All sorts of designs are available out there, all you need to do is check out home improvement and DIY shops.

You may also have your favorite photos of family, friends, pets and travels printed and post these on your bedroom wall using Blu Tack or washi tape. Or you can cover the wall by hanging your favorite sarong which reminds you of that awesome beach trip you had over the summer.

Live with color

Another simple hack to make your room or space perfect for studying is by adding color. According to a study published by the US National Library of Medicine, color has the ability to help us retain certain information “by increasing our attentional level.”

Warm colors such as yellow, red and orange can supposedly aid you in memorizing because they “have been found to have a greater effect on attention” compared to a cool color like gray. Blue, on the other hand, is ideal for boosting creativity.

Store it

We cannot emphasize enough on keeping one’s space clutter-free. If you will be staying at a dorm, make sure to maximize the space underneath your bed by turning that into your storage area.

But instead of simply shoving everything lazily into that space, get plastic bins which will fit perfectly underneath it. Stackable storage boxes are also a good way to keep your clothes, books, papers and other essentials from being all over your space.

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