Instagram finds from Wilcon

Social media has increasingly become a mecca of ideas.

For some, the web offers a multitude of unique and brilliant ideas, possible alternative solutions and even remedies across various industries, including home building and design. In fact, a fair number of Instagram accounts and Facebook pages now showcase such ideas and trends that make it easier for practically anyone to build, redesign or refurbish his or her own home.

Here is where trusted brand Wilcon Depot has clearly shown leadership in innovation, proving once again that it remains a pioneer and the country’s most essential, reliable partner in creating spaces that would suit your lifestyle needs.

Going beyond design collaborations with some of the industry’s best, and delivering well thought out and intricately designed showrooms to showcase its products, Wilcon Depot has also used the social media platform to better reach and service its long list of clients.

Through its Instagram and Facebook pages, Wilcon has helped more homeowners to now create and recreate spaces easily but still, with much flair and sophistication. Its Instagram feed alone could easily serve as a design guide and style bible for homes that homeowners could readily view and get ideas from.

Below are just some of the best Instagram posts that make Wilcon Depot a true leader in the industry and a highly dependable partner of every builder.

Colors, colors everywhere

Knowing the suitable color palette for you home can be quite tricky. But Wilcon Depot makes it easier for you as it offers tips on how to choose the perfect hue for every part of your home or every space, as seen in this post.

Indeed Wilcon Depot delivers the widest range of paint choices that could cater to every need and every mood. From the most common to the boldest of tones and colors, Wilcon Depot surely carries that right shade for you. What makes it even better is the fact that Wilcon Depot gives you the power and the freedom to create design your own color mix.

Wooden floors

Set the tone, get into the mood with the elegance and warmth that quality wooden floors exude. This post by Wilcon Depot reminds homebuilders of the beauty and elegance that wooden floors imbibe—but only when done right.

As with any type of flooring, wooden ones will only prove to be practical and a worthy choice if you select one of premium quality. This is why Wilcon Depot urges buyers to know what they want and to plan their purchases to ensure a good buy. Wood flooring may not be easy to maintain, but will prove to be a sure beauty when properly installed and cared for.

Wooden floors

The perfect seat

With various Netflix series keeping you glued to your seat, wouldn’t it be nice to find the most plush, comfy seats to sink into? At Wilcon Depot you’re sure to find a wide array of choices that would definitely satisfy every homemaker’s taste.

Make sure check out Wilcon’s Insta feed and take your pick on which seat suits your home best, whether it’s for your living room. your entertainment center, or even your patio. No matter your need, you’re sure to find something worth your while.

Go vintage

Want to achieve that old, rustic warmth in your home but don’t really know where and how to start? This post will surely give you some answers. Going beyond modern offerings and catering to almost every whim, Wilcon Depot also carries vintage decor and other similar furnishings that could surely exude that kind of appeal into every space.

This post showcased two items that could fascinate young souls, particularly those who find beauty in the old and would want to have their hands on those “antique” finds. Surely, there is always something in Wilcon Depot that could serve as a conversation piece among house guests and peers.

Shower fix

No matter what mood you’re in, Wilcon Depot’s wide array of bathroom fixtures will surely do the trick. Go beyond the norm and break away from the conventional as suggested by Wilcon Depot, which carries a full range of exclusive, topnotch bathroom fixture brands.

Top-tier bathroom solution

From the simplest to the most modern water closets and urinals, buyers will surely not run out of choices at Wilcon Depot. A quick look at its feed and easily, you’ll get an idea on how to refashion your bathrooms using the different brands and solutions offered by this trusted brand.

Much like an e-brochure, its Instagram feed allows one to easily browse and get a preview of the latest in its top tier bathroom solutions that will surely add comfort to every home, whatever your budget or requirements may be.

Bright lights

Bright lights

Achieve the perfect mood through Wilcon Depot’s extensive selection of lighting solutions. Wilcon knows all too well how crucial the choice of lights can be when trying to achieve a certain look, vitality, or feel for your home. But one need not fret as Wilcon Depot’s Insta page can guide you in  choosing the right light for whichever area of your home or whatever space you want to illuminate.

Tile care

Going beyond giving options about which tile to best use for a certain room, Wilcon Depot’s Instagram account also offers simple, practical and easy-to-follow tips on how to better care for your floor tiles.

Indeed, it has always been about excellent customer service for Wilcon Depot—a focus that allowed it to remain a strong and a trusted brand of many builders and homemakers. So the next time you check out that Instagram account of yours, you might want to browse that of Wilcon’s and who knows? You might just find the best home design and solutions you have been longing for.