Total kitchen solution

The elegantly designed inverter plus side-by-side refrigerator consumes up to 50 percent less energy and keeps food fresh longer.

The promise of a sumptuous, hearty meal shared over intimate conversations with the family makes coming home more meaningful and exciting.

And for many homes, these conversations often start at the kitchen, where many stories are exchanged and anecdotes are shared. Such is the value that every home kitchen holds as it provides a certain connection as meals are being prepared, bringing that promise of old familiar flavors and heirloom recipes to the whole family.

Thus, it pays to have the best total kitchen solutions that would offer quality and reliability. This is why a popular choice among homemakers is the  Whirlpool brand.

And it’s for a good reason. Given the brand’s wide collection of high quality kitchen products, the Whirlpool brand has become a staple in every Filipino home. For decades now, the brand’s time- and labor-saving innovations have transformed many Filipino homes and made lives of many homemakers a breeze.

The all gas US made American style cooker features four burners, stainless steel front panel and one-touch electronic ignition.

Meanwhile, here are some of the brand’s stylish and high quality offerings that are guaranteed to add not only flavor but also excitement into your home. From its inverter plus side-by-side refrigerator to its free standing ranges, Whirlpool products are guaranteed to bring your kitchen to a new level.