Amando M. Tetangco Jr. receives the Arangkada PH Lifetime Achievement Award
The JFC presidents with past and present Arangkada Lifetime Achievement Awardees during the recently concluded sixth anniversary Arangkada Philippines Forum last September 14, 2017 at the Marriott Grand Ballroom (In photo L-R: Mr. Ho-Ik Lee (KCCI), Mr. Bruce Winton (AmCham), Mr. Julian Payne (CanCham), 2014 Arangkada Lifetime Achievement Awardee former PEZA Director General Lilia De Lima, PAMURI Chairman Mr. Shameem Quraeshi, Mr. Tom Grealy (ANZCham), 2017 Arangkada Lifetime Achievement Awardee former BSP Governor Amando Tetangco Jr., Mr. Hiroshi Shiraishi (JCCIPI), 2015 Arangkada Lifetime Achievement Awardee SGV founder Mr. Washington Sycip, AmCham Executive Director Mr. Ebb Hinchliffe, Ms. Evelyn Ng (PAMURI), Arangkada Chief-of-Party Mr. John Forbes, and JCCPI Vice-President Nobuo Fujii).
Former Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) governor Amando M. Tetangco Jr. was awarded the Arangkada Philippines Lifetime Achievement award at the recently concluded Arangkada Philippines Forum 2017 last September 14, 2017 at the Marriott Grand Ballroom.
The Arangkada Lifetime Achievement Award is given by the JFC to recognize individuals of any nationality that have lived and worked in the Philippines for 25 years and have contributed significantly to improving the country’s business environment.
Mr. Tetangco was chosen by the JFC for accomplishments as BSP governor that were very important to the foreign investment community such as managing inflation, the exchange rate, and the debt burden highly effectively; achieving record levels of reserves exceeding $80 billion US dollars; making reforms to increase the foreign banking presence in the Philippines; raising confidence of rating agencies to give investment grade ratings; emphasizing financial inclusion and financial education for young people; moving the World Economic Forum ranking of the Philippines for Macroeconomic Environment/Stability from 76th of 133 countries in 2009 to 20th of 138 countries in 2016, ahead of Indonesia, Malaysia, and Vietnam in ASEAN; insulating and cushioning the Philippine banking system from volatility when the world outside was highly volatile; setting a great example of professional management in government and being repeatedly named among the top central bankers in the world; and making the BSP the top-rated agency in the Philippine Government.
Previous awardees include former president Fidel V. Ramos (2013), former PEZA director general Lilia De Lima (2014), SGV founder Mr. Washington Sycip (2015), and former foreign affairs secretary Amb. Roberto Romulo (2016). ADVT