How anyone can learn to write better

Writing is an essential skill in many business interactions, but it is regarded as tedious or scary by many employees. There are many courses that break down common grammar errors, and provide templates to use to eliminate mistakes. But managers still ask us how they can persuade their teams to love or appreciate writing— to somehow gain both the aptitude and enjoyment of writing. And in doing so, write better.
My quick answer is to read more and write more, and if possible, at an earlier age.
We asked Pam Pastor, a book author and an editor, for some of her thoughts on how to encourage everyone to improve.

1. Write every day
Keep a journal. You don’t need to write rambling paragraphs, even jotting down a few phrases a day would do. Your journals can be a great source when you’re feeling uninspired. This also ensures you acquire the habit of writing.
Do everything in your power to push past writer’s block but recognize that sometimes, you need to take a breather. Don’t waste hours staring at that blinking cursor.
It also helps to read every day. The silliest thing I’ve ever heard a writer say is “I don’t read, I don’t want them to influence my style.” Read books, newspapers, magazines, blogs, websites.

2. Keep it simple
Be concise. Say it simply. Using big words unnecessarily doesn’t make you sound smart, it makes you sound like you overused the thesaurus function of Microsoft Word.
If you want to write professionally, accept this reality: you will be edited. Even your favorite authors get edited (and they are grateful to their editors—just read their acknowledgements page). Love your words but learn to let go. Read your edited pieces and learn from your mistakes.

3. Live
There are stories everywhere. Everywhere.
Live. Really live. Don’t hide behind your computer screen, don’t bury your face in your notebook. Leave your video game and look up from your smartphone from time to time. The more you live, the more you will have to write about.
Pam Pastor will be one of the award-winning writers to facilitate a writing camp for college students entitled “I- Start” on July 6-7, 2017 to be held in Inquirer Academy. It is designed to inspire students to love writing whether they will be a professional writer or go to a different field. It will also help them gain skills to write better, as well as take photos to make their words come alive.
For the working professionals, there are also writing workshops to help them in the workplace. There will be a “Strategies in Writing” workshop on July 18-19, 2017 which will teach the participants how to write lean, fast and viral. For those who want to review the basics to write more correct business letters and emails, the “Effective Writing: The Basics Reviewed” workshop is for them. It will be on Sept. 4-5, 2017.)

Residents of Cebu can also enroll in a writing workshop entitled “Writing with Impact: How to be clear and concise” on July 24, 2017 in Cebu City.

The Inquirer Academy is located at 4168 Don Chino Roces Ave. corner Ponte St., Makati City. For more information about the workshop or if you would like to add your input on the article, you may email, call (632) 834-1557 or 771-2715 and look for Jerald Miguel, or visit the website at