Sellers in the digital age

Everyone now literally lives in a digital world.

The advances in technology often occupy most of our time as we seek to keep abreast with the latest trends. Its accessibility also makes it harder for us to stay away from technology.

Today, technology can easily be accessed, be it at home, school, at the workplace, malls, cultural and religious establishments, and even going as high up in the mountains and far into the islands. Some airline companies even have in-flight WiFi that allows everyone to be connected at real time.

Utilizing the internet

The digital age makes our daily life easier. One can watch a television program and movies over the internet, read e-books and international news, play online games, listen to the latest music releases, do a detailed research with any given subject, and make online purchases and selling.

In essence, we start and end the day doing our affairs through the internet.

The utilization of the internet has long been beneficial for online sellers for the reason of accessibility and affordability.

Currently, many would strive to have a broadband or data connection whether by prepaid means or via subscription.

Desktops, laptops, and even mobile devices are now within one’s means. Filipinos were found to be spending at least 3.2 hours on a mobile device, and some 5.2 hours on a desktop or tablet. Social media has been the top online activity.

This is why both the customers and sellers, such as those from a real estate company, rely heavily on the internet.

Increasing productivity

Real estate practitioners have finally come to terms of making the most of the digital world to become more productive.

Through this means, they are able to communicate through the free use of messenger applications without having to be blocked, and they are able to expand their sales network through recruitment of friends through the social media.

Sellers are able to reach their customers, even those out of the country; post free or paid advertisements that can be shared; get to a targeted group or community of a specific market segment; converse through live chat and receive on-time reply; subscribe to online newsletters to receive latest trends and updates; have access to a wide choice of website media to choose from where to post or offer a product or property; and use email and text messaging blast.

All these can be done at the comfort of one’s home or within an established workplace with minimal expense yet achieving a most favorable result. The time, money and effort of sellers can thus be maximized.

Apart from that, they would know how many have read, liked and shared posts and work on further improvements to reach the desired outcome.

When real estate agents perform online marketing, they surely generate good returns, repeat buyers, and multiple sales leads resulting to greater productivity.

Customer benefits

On the other hand, customers of real estate also take advantage of the digital world for the reason that they will no longer need to physical go from one property to another.

They can use search engines to look for their desired development among the many property finders and filter their choices in terms of location, price, amenities, and promotions.

They become recipients of e-mail communications made by online sellers and use online applications to reply and set meetings. Clients get interested once they have filtered their need.

Most of all, prospective buyers arrive at a decision when they get attracted to the visuals—be it still images, renderings, and videos—through which one is able to imagine the property as if you are in the actual site.

At this age wherein traditional marketing is slowly fading, we see the evolution of modern-day devices, the creation of more efficient processes, invention of greater science, all in front of our computers.

These are enough reasons for one to reach the communities of the future world in one click.

John Eric D. Escanillas is currently the vice president for national sales and marketing at Sta. Lucia Marketing.