The custodian


I used to be in the sales team of New San Jose Builders Inc. before I was tasked to be part of the board of Manuel L. Quezon University.

What I learned from my father is the value of time. Whenever I see him, he always emphasizes that in every investment, time is the most important element. Itís really the only thing in life you cannot buy. Itís the time he spends with us that shows me how important family is to him.

He also emphasizes the importance of simplicityósomething I’m learning every day. He tells us to think simply, live simply and not to complicate things. I tend to overthink things so this message of his resonates very much with me.

He always tells us to use time wisely. He tells us to surround ourselves with good people who have good values. He and my mother have been together for over 30 years and I know that spending his time with someone as supportive as my mother has helped him grow his business. I would love to pass this learning on to my sons and I would love to see them spending their lives doing what they most love.