A Philippine based company, Worldbex Services International (WSI) is a duly registered events management company founded in 1996.
Worldbex Marketing Director
Worldbex Services International
The exhibit hall represents my arena. I thrive and hunger for challenges, problems solved, connections made and fostered relationships.
Whenever I organize an exposition or a trade show, I feel like a gladiator in a suit. There are countless challenges in organizing events and every challenge is different from the last. What makes this my comfort zone is that this is the culmination of my hard work and you see your concepts come to life.
Ironically, my comfort zone is where I am most unsure of what can happen, what can go wrong and what magic can be created. It’s very important to have a comfort zone to touch base with our personal sense of sanity and limitations.
We stretch to achieve more and go back to where we grow best. It’s a constant push and pull that makes it worth while.