Engaging your customers through viral videos

IF BUSINESSES wish to tap the ever-growing millennial market, it has become imperative to come up with content that will engage and possibly become viral on social media.

This means typically, short videos that are amusing or noteworthy to the youth market.

But how can brands ensure that their message will both inform and entertain?

We asked John Labasug, Broadcast and Production Head of Inquirer.net, to enlighten us on how this could be achieved.

Why should businesses invest in learning the creative and technical aspects of video production?

With the emergence of social media and digital marketing, it is essential that businesses understand the real value and importance of video production as part of their strategic approach to reaching their target audience.

Growing businesses get better response through visual communication and audiences are more receptive to creative concepts.

Video content is also considered to be audience amplifiers hence maximizing the business’s reach and call to action.

If we do not have the financial resources to invest in equipment and a team dedicated solely for video production, what should we do?

There are several online video platforms that are made available at no cost.

The key is to be able to establish set objectives and the right production strategies in producing videos.

Having a complete set of production equipment helps, but is not a differentiating factor of the output.

Originality, uniqueness and relevance are key.

Of course, learning the technical and creative aspects will help anyone build engaging video content.

Alternatively, partnership and collaboration with content providers is another way. Many are open to producing for “exchange deals” and at minimal cost.

How do we make sure that we produce content that will engage our target audience?

Find your niche. The content has to be original and the approach to the whole creative and production process has to be unique.

Steer away from the conventional and try to adapt to the ever changing technology offering. Tell a story through your videos and establish an interesting lead.

Video is really about exposing emotions through motion. Learning how to do this helps ensure that you have impactful, and possible viral, videos. (The author is Executive Director of Inquirer Academy.)

John Labasug will conduct a module under the “Digital Media Management Series” entitled “Principles of Creative Video Production: How to produce interesting, compelling and viral videos”, which will be held on Oct. 18-19, 2016. Topics include understanding the evolving digital media landscape, stages of video production, key components for an effective video delivery and more.

The course is beneficial for anyone learning how to produce video content for online consumption, be it as a hobbyist or professional in the industry. Individuals in marketing, communications, journalistic, or creative functions of a business would also benefit from learning how to produce appealing and engaging videos.

The Inquirer Academy is located at 4168 Don Chino Roces Avenue corner Ponte Street, Makati City. For more information, you may email ask@inquireracademy.com, call 8008110/7712715 and look for Jerald Miguel, or visit www.inquireracademy.com.