Are you ready to look for a job?

LEARNING DOESN’T end with graduation; it just opens a new avenue for learning through a broader and bigger setting, the working life.

No matter how inspiring the previous sentence might be, finding yourself months after graduation still lurking in your room watching TV series while waiting for a call ought to dampen our young spirits.

The status “employed!” is what every fresh graduate look forward after their hard work and endeavors in their school years. However, it is easily said than done. Schools hardly prepared us to have patience and perseverance in going through the arduous and nerve-wracking process of a job application, interviews and training, nor were we prepared to explore new things and do the unthinkable.

But hold on, keep it up and read these tips to make job hunting easier than it really is!

1. Be patient

It might be difficult to look for a job that suits your degree or maybe your field has way too much graduates already, don’t lose hope, something’s bound to open up for you. Believe in your life’s own pace and be patient.

2. Take it seriously

Take every application and interviews seriously. Hard work and perseverance can go a long way. Don’t underestimate other applicants and take every chance to challenge yourself for the better.

3. Be prepared

Always be prepared – exert effort in making your resume or CV. Answer your application forms concisely and eloquently. Dress smart and look presentable during your interviews.

4. Personality over skills

Employer chooses applicants that have good moral character rather than those who are skillful but with “attitude”. Always remember that skills can be developed over time while bad attitude is hard to change.

5. Start building connections.

Your internship during college is one of the best places to start your life after graduation. If you did well during your intern days, it’s more likely that they will hire you. From there you can take one step at a time in reaching your dream work

6. You’re on your own.

Remember that you are on your own. Your parents are not there for you to correct your mistakes. Be mindful that your actions now are your own responsibility.

7. Love what you’re doing.

Feeling rejected or lost is very hard to get over with, but if you are pursuing something you love, that passion alone gives you the strength and the energy to stand up once more and do the process all over again.

Success is not an overnight process. You might even have to jump from one job to another before you can finally get what you’re looking for. It might take months or years, but there’s no need to hurry. Follow your life’s pace. For some people success might come early, for some a little bit late, but one thing’s for sure, it will come. And when it does, you better be ready to keep hold of it.

Amy Zafra is currently working as Media Relations Specialist at Confluence Asia and is a writer for www.