AXA PH offers global access to best healthcare

AXA Philippines, one of the country’s leading insurers, launched a product that sought to address the health care needs of individuals anytime and anywhere they may be.

Global Health Access (GHA) is a comprehensive health coverage plan that allows consumers to avail themselves of healthcare services anywhere in the Philippines or overseas.

The plan gives P100 million worth of annual healthcare coverage for one’s use in country and abroad, whether one is traveling or looking for diagnosis or treatment from medical specialists abroad. It covers both in-patient and select out-patient procedures, including radiotherapy, chemotherapy and kidney dialysis.

Also, GHA gives Filipinos access to AXA’s global network of top-rated hospitals, medical practitioners and emergency responders. But unlike most health plans that limit customers to their network of hospitals, GHA allows policyholders to consult with their own doctors even if they are outside AXA’s network.

Also, policyholders have the option to do cashless transactions for in-patient treatments through AXA’s global network of hospitals. One simply needs to show his GHA access card to the hospital.

For planned treatments, if given advance notice, AXA can arrange for direct settlement even before the customer arrives at the hospital, allowing smoother admission process.

Customers may also seek round-the-clock medical advice from healthcare experts through the ‘24/7 Health Support’ of AXA, the first of its kind in the Philippines.