PMAP foundation takes greening the Philippines seriously
UNLESS GLOBAL warming is reversed, the Earth will be uninhabitable in a century or so. Rapid urbanization has turned areas with green trees and vegetation into concrete jungles. Soon, 50 percent of the world’s population will be living in urban areas that can no longer sustain decent and clean living.
Global warming and climate change have today become critical environmental, economic, social, political and people issues. While heads of states have signed a pact to reduce global warming, they cannot reverse the inconvenient truth on climate change by their lonesome selves. This is a concern of every living thing on this planet, except perhaps the cockroach that has the reputation to adapt to all types of environmental changes for over 200 million years. If you’re not a cockroach, be concerned and do something.
The PMAP Foundation, led by PMAP Chairman Emeritus Orly Peña and President PilarNenucaAlmira, is right now in a sweet spot. This year, PMAP and the PMAP Foundation have resolved to take the initiative on global warming, climate change, and clean air issues.
PMAP moves
The People Management Association of the Philippines (PMAP) now led by its President Jesse Francis Rebustillo has more than 1,400 company- and individual members that have the resources and clout to take a strong position on any national or global issue. PMAP President Jesse said, “PMAP is in the midst of a green evolution that will transform its employees and managers into green movers, its member-companies into green workplaces and help to create green communities in places where its members are located.”
International development management expert Orly Peña said, “While government can provide the impetus for the program, it is PMAP and PMAP Foundation that have the management and technical expertise and solutions that can bring about the green evolution.”
Orly Peña is known internationally in the areas of development financing and human resources management, training and research. For several years now, Orly conducted programs with the World Bank, the Asian Development Bank, the African Development Bank, various agencies of the United Nations, and the Deutsche StiftungfürInternationaleEnt wicklung, a German foundation for international development.
Peña continued, “The PMAP Foundation, through its people-oriented companies and managers, has expanded its operational strategy to become GREEN-oriented and help in saving employees, their work places, their families and their communities from the scourge of polluted air and climate change brought about by global warming. Never in its 60-year history has PMAP felt the economic and social impact of environmental disasters and illnesses caused by it.”
Peña also said, “Given the proper strategy and program support, simple projects like Zero Waste Management can be undertaken systematically by the member-companies in their offices and in the homes of employees. Solar power can be introduced to homes, offices, factories, farms and other places of work. Water can be recycled. Pollution-free vehicles can be mass-produced and quickly introduced to member-companies. Already the PMAP Foundation has launched a “Garden for Every Home” greening and food sufficiency project. PMAP Foundation can help small entrepreneurs to organize green businesses with quick access to financing and advisory services.”
PMAP Foundation President Almira said, “Only if we work together can we address this critical issues affecting our people and the nation.”
PMAP Summit
On April 12-13, 2016, the PMAP and the PMAP Foundation will hold the first PMAP Foundation Summit on Clean Air and Climate Change. With its theme “Clean Air: Our Life, Our Future”, the Summit will be graced by the Keynote Speaker, DENR Secretary Ramon Paje, at the Sofitel Philippine Plaza Manila.
The Summit shall feature:
PMAP member-companies’ contribution to clean air and climate change, issues, best practices, and future programs
New trends, innovation, technology and BEST Practices for members to consider or adopt, showcasing an exhibition of users, suppliers, and innovations
Non-traditional sources of financing for entrepreneurs and small businesses engaged in promoting clean air and climate change
International agencies engaged in clean air and climate change
ISO standards to guide companies, NGOs and communities engaged in clean air and climate change projects
AWARDS to recognize leaders and achievers in clean air and climate change
For the first time in the Philippines, PMAP shall grant the PunongBayaningKalikasan (National Leadership) Award and the BayaningKalikasan Awards for individual, corporate, NGO, and community categories.
For inquiry or registration, please contactpmapfounda or call 726-1532.
This Summit will kick off PMAP’s series of programs in answer to the global call for action on climate change, where the Philippines is a signatory to the recent Paris agreement on global warming and climate change. Also, this is pursuant to Republic Act 8749, the Philippine Clean Air Act of 1999, which needs more implementation.
Let’s wave the green flag – for our children and their children’s children.
(Ernie is the 2013 Executive Director and 1999 President of the People Management Association of the Philippines (PMAP); Chair of the AMCHAM Human Capital Committee; and Co-Chair of ECOP’s TWG on Labor and Social Policy Issues. He also chairs the Accreditation Council for the PMAP Society of Fellows in People Management. He is President and CEO of EC Business Solutions and Career Center. Contact him at