Best practices in organization and enterprise development
Ancilla Enterprise Development Consulting, best practices, Enterprise Development Framework, competitiveness, innovation, business, strategy, execution, change management, organization, leadership, culture, personal values, corporate values, succession planning, human resources, development, information systems
Last September 8, we at Ancilla Enterprise Development Consulting celebrated our 25th anniversary as a company. We asked ourselves, what is the best way to give back to our clients and partners. One of our managers suggested, “why not share our Best Practices as we have introduced and implemented them in our client companies?” It was an idea that caught fire.
With our consultants we outlined our “Best Ten Practices” from the viewpoint of our clients, mostly Industry Leaders and topnotch Human Resource and Organization Development Practitioners.
We agreed that the Enterprise Development Framework introduced by our partners from Palo Alto was a shift of paradigm that elevated our practice from viewing organization development as focusing solely on the improvement of the “delivery arm of the enterprise” to taking a holistic view to include the external environment drivers that impact the enterprise from outside.
In a two day Leadership Conference on “Best Practices in Organization and Enterprise Development” we hope to share the top ten trends.
Best Practice 1: Focus on Corporate Governance and Ethics the global standards of ethics, transparency and good governance have led corporate leaders to educate themselves in key principles and guidelines. It has also encouraged them to learn how to resolve and address ethical dilemmas and consider the importance of managing reputational risk.
Best Practice 2: Enhance Alliance Competency once gain driven by partnering for competitiveness, companies seek alliances to expand reach of their products and services. The challenge is how to choose alliance partners, make the relationship profitable and ensure a win-win relationship that lasts. Companies today are taking a serious look at developing competencies how alliances are formed & sustained.
Best Practice 3: Drive Innovation with the exponential and rapid changes happening in most industries, vital to enterprises is launching and institutionalizing an innovation culture, how to introduce, optimize, maximize and fund innovative ideas and projects that create value for the customer.
Best Practice 4: Designing and Planning Strategies for Rapid Execution. Strategic planning may be done every 3-5 years but an annual review is critical as companies start to design strategy for action for the year. There are times when mid-year, the external environment changes and quick action is needed.
Best Practice 5: Managing Change in Organization Design: Balancing Enterprise Requirements and Concern for People Mergers and Acquisitions to really work may demand developing new or redesigned organizational structures. The process of developing the new design requires a balance for a concern for optimum growth side by side with concern for people most affected by the change through appropriate change and care programs.
Best Practice 6: Leadership Academies to Nurture Leadership Talent acknowledging the competency age, companies today seek customized leadership academies to nurture talent from first level to senior officers. There is increased emphasis on cultivating and managing talent and the development of competency based human resource systems.
Best Practice 7: Culture Development Programs to Align Personal and Corporate Values addressing the restlessness of millennials and the seemingly lack of commitment to institutions, corporations are investing in programs that considers the whole person, addresses lifestyle issues and works towards alignment of personal and corporate values.
Best Practice 8: Purposive Succession Planning to Ensure Continuity with most business owners now nearing retirement, there is great concern around continuity and sustainability of the enterprise. Succession planning and coaching have gained popularity.
Best Practice 9: Using Managing Change Techniques to Introduce and Institutionalize Information Systems most companies are starting to transform their enterprises through Information Systems applications. Often, the introduction requires managing change OD methodologies requiring the partnering of the client, the OD provider & the company
Best Practice 10: Development of Competencly Based Human Resource Systems today there is clear shift from the traditional human resource roles of transactional expert and administrative resource to move towards Competency Based Human Resource Systems where the goal is to get best qualified person to deliver the task. Using an assessment of Human Resource Systems, policies, practices and competencies are assessed and addressed towards more systematic movement towards employee champion and strategic partner roles.
Learn more from industry leaders and subject matter experts. Join us for the Leadership Conference November 11-12 at Makati Sports Club. Thanks to our clients and partners for all the support.
(Tita Datu Puangco is the CEO and President of Ancilla Enterprise Development Consulting, a major training and organization development company in the Philippines with an Asian reach. It specializes in enterprise transformation, executive coaching, corporate leadership and functional training, human resource systems, corporate academies, learning events and management of business training centers. Visit Tita’s Blog at For additional information please email author at or at