Sun Life Grepa rolls out customized fund

SUN LIFE Grepa Financial Inc. (SLGFI), a joint venture between Sun Life of Canada and the Yuchengco group’s Grepalife Financial, has rolled out a new fund customized to each investor’s anticipated financial needs at different stages in life.

SLGFI said in a statement that “SLG MyFuture Fund” was a simple financial solution that could address various needs such as paying for a child’s education, purchasing a property, raising seed capital for a business, putting up a retirement fund or preparing financial legacy for loved ones.

SLG MyFuture Fund is available as a fund option to any Sun Life Grepa Financial peso variable life insurance product. A hybrid between a mutual fund and life insurance, an insurance product becomes variable because investment returns are dependent on the market performance of the fund where the premium is invested.

This new fund is designed to match the general timeframe when funds will have to be available to address these financial needs.

“Our customers have different insurance and investment needs. More often than not, these are clearly identified goals with specific timelines linked to them,” said SLGFI president Richard Lim.

“SLG MyFuture Fund is the ideal solution for such medium- to long-term funding needs because it optimizes the earning potential of one’s money until such time the funds are needed. This is achieved by focusing on wealth accumulation in the earlier years and switching to a gains preservation strategy as the maturity date of the fund nears.”

Managed by professional fund managers, SLG MyFuture Fund comes in four different maturity dates that a client can choose from: 2025, 2030, 2035 or 2040.

The fund promotes capital appreciation at the onset, through allocation in equities, in order to maximize fund accumulation. Then it changes focus to wealth preservation as it nears the maturity date, by shifting the portfolio allocation to fixed income assets, in order to help lock in the gains that the fund has earned in the earlier years.