Pump up your sex life

A satisfying sex life is undeniably an essential component of a successful relationship. It is therefore not surprising to find countless articles and tips on how to improve your sex life. Some articles suggest that you eat certain foods, such as strawberries, bananas, fish, carrots, eggs, honey, red wine and even vanilla ice cream to boost your sex life and help you last longer.

But no matter what couples may try to make sex more satisfying, there may be circumstances beyond their control and understanding that would necessitate extra measures. Sexual dysfunctions typically call for such extra measures in the form of medical interventions.

For men, their sexual satisfaction has been directly linked with their ability to satisfy their partner. In the Philippines, a survey revealed that men find it highly important to sexually satisfy their partners. However this can be easily diminished by sexual dysfunctions. A common sexual dysfunction among men is erectile dysfunction (ED), but more common is Premature Ejaculation (PE). It is estimated that one out of three men experience PE.

PE occurs when a man is unable to control or delay ejaculation after vaginal penetration, resulting in short latency time and decreased sexual satisfaction, as well as personal distress and interpersonal difficulty. Yet despite the prevalence of PE across age groups, it remains poorly understood and little recognized, even among couples. Men with PE usually do not know what to do. Due to the social stigma associated with it, men try to fix PE on their own, leaving them even more frustrated. Topical treatments for PE are not approved by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) and some drugs not specifically indicated for PE can have side effects.

Contrary to popular belief, PE is not merely caused by diet, age, sexual inexperience or stress. It is not just a phase that all men go through or something that exercise, sexual techniques and therapy can fix.  There is now a better understanding of the biological basis of PE, as it has been associated with serotonin signals in the brain.

PE is a medical condition with a medical solution. A medical solution specifically designed and indicated to treat PE can help men overcome their condition. Men with PE no longer have to feel helpless and alone as information and awareness about PE is increasing.

PE-P Talk TRIVIA CONTEST: True or False: PE affects not just the man but most especially his partner and their relationship. E-mail your answer to inquire@controlPE.ph and get the chance to win a prize! Congratulations to Buen Faustino! Your correct answer to the question in the May 3, 2014, column was chosen as this week’s winner in the PE-P Talk Trivia Contest. You will receive an e-mail on how to claim your prize.

Dr. Jason Letran is a urology consultant at Cardinal Santos Medical Center, Chinese General Hospital and Medical Center, and the University of Santo Tomas  Hospital. A health information advocacy supported by A. Menarini Philippines, PE-P Talk is a column series that aims to raise awareness on and enhance understanding of premature ejaculation (PE) and its proper diagnosis and treatment. For inquiries, please e-mail inquire@controlPE.ph or visit www.controlPE.ph.