Learn the build and sell techniques
Build and sell, if properly undertaken, is considered one of the most profitable aspects in real estate. It is a very attractive investment alternative for those with capital and thus many investors and would-be-developers are keen to go into it.
However, they are kept at bay because of lack of complete knowledge of its mechanics and techniques. Meanwhile, their money, placed in bank deposits, earn very low interest income.
Other investors who are more daring and went in armed only with partial and incomplete knowledge suffered some sad experiences and are now afraid to do it again.
To be able to fill in the detailed and extensive educational need of all would-be and starting developers and investors desiring to go into the popular business of build and sell, Urban Institute of Real Estate will conduct an 18-weekly-session mentoring course on build and sell that will start May 10, 2014, 1:30 pm to 6 pm at the Asian Institute of Management Conference Center, (AIM-ACCM) Makati City.
The build and sell mentoring course consists of 18 weekly lectures and seven visits to proposed and ongoing construction sites, completed projects, and related activities. Scheduled dates are May 10, 17, 24, June 1 (Sunday), June 7, 14, 21, 28, July 5, 12, 19, 26, Aug. 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 and Sept. 6.
Main lecturer is engineer Enrico S. Cruz, who has more than 40 years experience in real estate, engineering, construction, management and education, together with lawyer Rex Enrico V. Cruz III. Cruz is also a licensed real estate consultant and 1st and 8th placer in the real estate appraiser’s and broker’s board examinations, respectively, and was invested as a “Real Estate Fellow” by the Philippine Council of Real Estate Educators.
For other details or advanced registration, Urban Institute may be reached at 509-4094 or CP # 0927-7495487 or by email at urbanet.ph@gmail.com.