Asean hospital woman’s partner vs breast cancer

Breast cancer is the top cancer in women both in the developed and developing countries.

According to the World Health Organization, mortality on the said disease continuously increases as most of the cases are diagnosed in late stages.

This proves that early detection remains as the most effective way of surviving breast cancer. Women aged 40 and above are advised to undergo breast cancer screening methods.

However, detection of the disease is only half of the battle. At Asian Hospital and Medical Center (AHMC), patients are guided during the different phases of fighting the disease: detection, treatment and recovery.

Screening methods

Breast cancer screening methods vary depending on the patient’s needs—risk assessment and clinical breast examination, mammography, ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and biopsy.

As part of the screening process, patients are taught breast self-examination, which promotes breast cancer awareness among women and can help identify signs and symptoms indicating the presence of the disease.

After achieving the results, a multidisciplinary team specialized in cancer will discuss appropriate treatment method for the patient using AHMC’s state-of-the-art medical facilities.

Holistic healing

Patients are not only treated with their health problems but are also emotionally and spiritually encouraged to fight their disease. AHMC offers holistic healing on all types of cancer, with the belief that cancer is not the end and there can be quality life after the disease.

Prevention is still better than cure. AHMC advises women to lead a healthy lifestyle—choose a healthy diet, exercise regularly, avoid smoking and keep alcohol intake in moderation.

The Asian Hospital and Medical Center is the only premier hospital in the country that has a one-stop breast health facility. For more information about its breast cancer screening and treatment services, visit