Skin care center not letting up when it comes to innovating

Dr. Vinson Pineda is in the business of making people beautiful. “When people look in the mirror and think they look awesome, I believe I have done my job,” said the 77-year-old expert who is hailed as the father of dermatology practice in the country.

He is also president and founder of Dermclinic Inc., one of the oldest skin and hair clinics in the country. Marking its 42nd year, Pineda said his center is not letting up when it comes to innovating.

“We believe it is our responsibility to meet the constantly changing sophisticated needs of our patients. At the same time, we also need to address innovations and scientific breakthroughs in medical and aesthetic treatments. Through constant research and business development, we pride ourselves in being leaders in our field,” said Pineda.

He said Dermclinic boasts of having the most reliable dermatologists and staff. “I believe we are one of the few if not the only one in the country that offers training programs for our doctors.”

Dermclinic offers a 3-year Residency Training Program for Dermatology (for at least five doctors a year) at its head office in the Champaca Building, Amorsolo Street, Legaspi, Makati City. As an added value, they also undergo soft skills training that includes salesmanship, customer service and values formation.

“As a result, all our 21 centers nationwide are run by skilled doctors (apart from having state-of-the-art equipment) that enable them to successfully treat various cosmetic and pathologic conditions of the skin and hair,” said Pineda who apart from acting as the chief dermatologist of Dermclinic, Pineda is also the president and chair of Dermatology Institute Foundation of the Philippines.

Pineda is one of the country’s premier exponents in advanced dermatology and a fellow of numerous American and international dermatological societies, including the prestigious American Academy of Dermatology, the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery, the International Society of Dermatopathology and the International Society of Topical Dermatology.

He said that in his years of practice, he noted a declining trend toward high-cost and invasive plastic surgery procedures.

Many individuals now shy away from these expensive procedures and will instead select less-invasive procedures such as Hyaluronic Acid and Botox (incidentally, Pineda was among the first to introduce the cosmetic use of Botox in the Philippines) injections as well as Laser peels.

“The focus now is to delay the effects of time by doing what you can today. In addition to the use of the above procedures, these individuals also appreciate the regular visits to the center to keep their skin looking its best,” said Pineda, who is recognized for his milestone works on Minoxidil (a world-renowned hair restorer) and Tretinoin (a scientifically proven remedy for wrinkles and acne) in the ’70s.

He shared that patients now could choose from a number of devices as well as powerful and effective arsenal of noninvasive, anti-aging tools (like Black Peel that minimizes signs of aging; 3Face, a three-step process in anti-aging and skin resurfacing; and NuFACE CO2 Laser, which is used for facelift).

“Taking care of  skin health and routine skin care are some of the most impactful ways in which an individual can maintain overall well-being. Proper hydration and protection of your skin, staying informed on advances and the usage of the right products will, in the long run, prove to be the best strategies for the overall long-term skin health. After all, your skin is the most visible and largest organ in our body,” shared the doctor.